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Tucson's Community Radio



KXCI is a diverse, independent, and community-based radio station serving Tucson and Southern Arizona.

Founded in 1983, KXCI is committed to connecting the communities of Tucson and Southern Arizona to each other – and the world – with informative, engaging, and creative community-based programming. More than 41,000 listeners tune in to the station each week over the air and online. KXCI plays music from all genres and eras, as well as informative, locally-produced mini-programs, provided by 70+ volunteer DJs and on-air hosts.

We recognize that KXCI exists in an ethnically diverse community seated on the ancestral homelands of the Tohono O’odham and Yoeme.

Vision Statement

To be a mirror and a window for people to experience themselves and others through authentic community voices and music.

Values Statement

  1. Equity: We commit to continually cultivating a culture of inclusivity, diversity, equality, and access.
  2. Accountability + Authenticity: We understand that balancing authenticity with quality and creative freedom with accountability enables mutual trust and fuels collaboration.
  3. Volunteer-driven: We recognize the invaluable contributions of our volunteers whose unique areas of expertise and personal commitment help define the sound and success of KXCI.
  4. Creativity: We honor the unique power of our platform in tandem with the individual voices and skills of our staff and volunteers to drive discovery, galvanize innovation, and perpetuate bold, vivid programming that engages and inspires our audience.
  5. Honoring the past and embracing the future: We celebrate heritage artists and historical musical moments while simultaneously championing new musical discoveries and emerging artists.
  6. Service: As a community driven media organization we strive to amplify the diverse voices of our region.

Strategic Goal Areas

  • Creatively Engaging with Our Community
  • Deepening and Diversifying Programming
  • Cultivating Diverse Revenue Streams for Organizational Resiliency
  • Refining and Scaling our Youth-Centered Educational Programming
  • Advancing Physical and Technical Capacity in order to Provide Reliable, Universal Accessibility


Board of Directors

UPDATE: The next meeting of the KXCI Board of Directors will take place on Thursday, March 27, 2025 at 5:15PM at Make Way for Books (700 N Stone Avenue). Meetings are open to the public. 

Cancellations, schedule changes, and special meetings will be posted here.

Finance committee meetings generally occur on the last Tuesday of the month with Board meetings.

President: Fernando González- Chief Technology Officer, Make Way for Books

Vice-President: Vicki Chandler- Interim Provost, Minerva University

Acting Treasurer: Monty Vance- Senior Portfolio Manager, Northern Trust

Board Member: Rachel Abraham- Evaluation Manager, University of Arizona

Board Member: Eli Burke- Design Projects Senior Program Manager, University of Arizona

Community Advisory Board (CAB)

The next meeting of KXCI’s Community Advisory Board will take place on Wednesday, February 12th, from 5-6 pm via Zoom. 

Topic: Community Advisory Board Meeting
Time: 5-6 pm Wednesday, February 12th, 2024

Zoom Meeting Link:

KXCI’s Community Advisory Board is always looking for champions, community leaders, and those who are passionate about this region and their communities who are willing to help us better serve you, your family, friends, and neighbors.

The Community Advisory Board (CAB) is a body established by The Foundation for Creative Broadcasting’s (dba KXCI Community Radio) Governing Board of Directors (BoD), in full compliance with the Corporation for Public Broadcasting ( to assist the station in being more responsive to community needs by providing for effective public participation.

The CAB is solely advisory in nature and is distinct from and independent of the Governing Board of Directors, the organization’s governing body. A current copy of this shall be posted on the station website: Board Approved CAB Charter February 2016

Community Advisory Board Application

Meetings of the KXCI Community Advisory Board (or CAB) typically take place bi-monthly at the KXCI Studios, 220 S 4th Avenue, Tucson, Arizona 85701. Until further notice, meetings will take place on Zoom. The meeting is open to the public.

The next meeting is on February 12th, 2024, at 5:00 pm via Zoom—email [email protected] with questions. 

Alejandra Pablos– Social Justice Organizer and Writer

Danae Pineda– Program Coordinator, Children’s Museum Tucson|Oro Valley

John Konrad– Local Illustrator and Cartoonist

Nelda Ruiz– Program Manager and Educator, Southwest Folklife Alliance

Yolie Contreras– Development

Community Advisory Board Application

Governing Board of Directors CAB Liaison- Fernando González
Staff Support- Stephanie Engs, KXCI Director of Education and Community Engagement

KXCI CAB Meeting Minutes 02-08-2023

KXCI CAB Meeting Minutes 04-13-2022

KXCI CAB Meeting Minutes 02-09-2022

KXCI CAB Meeting Minutes 11-10-2021

KXCI CAB Meeting Minutes 06-30-2021

KXCI CAB Meeting Minutes 04-21-2021

KXCI CAB Survey Committee Meeting Minutes 01-13-2021

KXCI CAB Survey Committee Meeting Minutes 11-17-2020

KXCI CAB Meeting Minutes 10-20-2020

KXCI CAB Meeting Minutes 06-23-2020

KXCI CAB Meeting Minutes 04-08-20

KXCI CAB Meeting Minutes 01-15-20

KXCI CAB Meeting minutes 10-30-2019

KXCI CAB Meeting minutes 05-08-2019

KXCI CAB Meeting Minutes 02-06-2019

KXCI CAB Meeting Minutes 11-07-2018

KXCI CAB Meeting Minutes 03-28-2018

KXCI CAB Meeting Minutes 08-23-2017

KXCI CAB Meeting Minutes 05.31.2017

KXCI CAB Meeting Minutes 2017-02-21

KXCI CAB Meeting Minutes  2016-11-23

KXCI CAB Meeting Minutes 2016-09-14

KXCI CAB Meeting Minutes 2016-05-24

KXCI CAB Meeting Minutes 2016-02-10

KXCI CAB Meeting Minutes 2015-08-12

KXCI CAB Meeting Minutes 2015-05-13

KXCI CAB Meeting Minutes 2015-02-11

KXCI CAB Meeting Minutes 2014-11-12

KXCI CAB Meeting Minutes 2014-08-13

KXCI CAB Meeting Minutes 2014-05-14

KXCI CAB Meeting Minutes 2014-02-24

KXCI CAB Meeting Minutes 2013-11-20

KXCI CAB Meeting Minutes 2013-08-21

KXCI CAB Meeting Minutes 2013-05-08

KXCI CAB Meeting Minutes 2013-02-13

KXCI CAB Meeting Minutes 2012-11-07

Staff Members

Elva De La Torre,  Executive Director, Host of The Friday Morning Music Mix
[email protected], 520-623-1000 x 14

Duncan Hudson, Music Director
[email protected], 520-623-1000 x16

Amanda Shauger, Director of Operations and Donor Relations
[email protected], 520-623-1000 x 17

Bridgitte Thum, Production Manager
[email protected], 520-623-1000 ext 27

Jim Blackwood, host of Your Morning Brew
[email protected]

Hannah Levin, host of The Home Stretch & Director of Content
[email protected]

Kristina Montoya, Traffic Manager
[email protected]

Stephanie Engs, Director of Education and Community Engagement
[email protected], 520-623-1000 ext 19

Miranda Schubert, Operations Manager
[email protected], 520-623-1000 ext 24

Jaime J. Soto, Music Coordinator
[email protected], 520-623-1000 ext 20

Shelby Athouguia, Underwriting Sales Representative, Host of Electric Feel
[email protected], 520-623-1000 ext 23

Tina Andrew, Production Coordinator
[email protected], 520-623-1000 ext 26

Doug Groenhoff, Chief Engineer
[email protected]


Job Opportunities

There are currently no job opportunities at this time.

Learn more about volunteer opportunities.

KXCI is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Here is a link to our most recent EEO Report.

It is our policy to ensure equal employment opportunity in accordance with all applicable local, state, and federal regulations and guidelines. Employment discrimination against employees, applicants, and volunteers due to race, color, religion, gender (including sexual harassment) or gender identity, ancestry, citizenship, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, disability, age, marital status, military or veteran status, economic circumstance, and any other characteristic protected by applicable law, is illegal.

About KXCI Community Radio
KXCI is a diverse, independent, and community-based radio station serving Tucson and Southern Arizona. Founded in 1983, KXCI is committed to connecting the communities of Tucson and Southern Arizona to each other – and the world – with informative, engaging, and creative community-based programming. More than 35,000 listeners tune in to the station each week over the air and online. KXCI plays music from all genres and eras, as well as informative, locally-produced short-form programs, provided by 70+ volunteer DJs and on-air hosts. The organization currently operates with a budget of approximately $1M.


Gift Acceptance Policy

Foundation for Creative Broadcasting, Inc. dba KXCI Community Radio

KXCI Gift Acceptance Policy Approved February 2016

The Foundation for Creative Broadcasting, herein referred to as KXCI, solicits and accepts gifts that are consistent with its mission and that support its core programs and special projects.

Donations and other forms of support will generally be accepted from individuals, partnerships, corporations, foundations, government agencies, or other entities, subject to certain restrictions.

Certain types of gifts must be reviewed prior to acceptance due to the special restrictions, conditions and liabilities they may pose for KXCI. Examples of gifts which will be subject to review include all gifts of real property, gifts of personal property deemed to exceed $1,000 in fair market value, and all gifts of publicly traded stocks and securities. These types of gifts may only be accepted upon approval of the station’s executive director, treasurer and development committee of the KXCI Board of Directors.

It shall be the standing policy of KXCI that accepted gifts of publically traded stocks and securities shall be sold immediately for their present day value upon receipt.

When appropriate, KXCI will seek the advice of legal counsel in matters relating to acceptance of gifts. Review by counsel is recommended for gifts of securities that are subject to restrictions or buy-sell agreements; documents naming KXCI as trustee or requiring KXCI a fiduciary capacity; gifts requiring KXCI to assume financial or other obligations; transactions with potential conflicts of interest; or gifts of property potentially subject to environmental or regulatory restriction.

Foundation for Creative Broadcasting
Dba KXCI Community Radio
Acceptance of Donated Stock/Marketable Securities
Policy Statement

Whereas neither the members of the Foundation of Creative Broadcasting board of directors nor its senior staff are professional investment portfolio managers, it is the policy of this organization to liquidate publically traded stock immediately upon receipt.

The possible transaction cost of this sale is considered small to the risk of loss that can be experienced with delay in the sale of the publically traded stock.

The policy should be communicated to the potential donor of the publically traded stock to ensure the donor will not be surprised or offended at the immediate liquidation of the gift.

An investment account will be maintained with a minimum balance of cash or public ally traded stock as required to facilitate the donation of public ally traded stock to Foundation for Creative Broadcasting and liquidation of the public ally traded stock. The maintenance of this account to accommodate these transactions is the responsibility of the executive Director in conjunction with the finance committee of this organization.

The finance committee shall verify each transaction as needed to ensure compliance of public ally traded Stock/Investment account transactions in collaboration with the treasurer to ensure accuracy of balances reported to the board. The committee will provide a brief summary report reflecting activities within the account and verifying the account balance.

Proceeds from the sale of the public ally stock are considered unrestricted contributed income unless the donor has imposed a restriction as a condition of the gift in which case procedures for accounting for restricted contributions will be followed.

The KXCI board of directors will review this gift acceptance policy annually.

Adopted by vote of the Foundation for Creative Broadcasting board of directors.

Adopted February 18, 2016

Public Media Code of Integrity

KXCI adheres to the Public Media Code of Integrity

Public broadcasters have adopted shared principles to strengthen the trust and integrity that communities expect of valued public service institutions.

Public media organizations contribute to a strong civil society and active community life, provide access to knowledge and culture, extend education, and offer varied viewpoints and sensibilities.

The freedom of public media professionals to make editorial decisions without undue influence is essential. It is rooted in America’s commitment to free speech and a free press. It is reflected in the unique and critical media roles that federal, state, and local leaders have encouraged and respected across the years. It is affirmed by the courts.

Trust is equally fundamental. Public media organizations create and reinforce trust through rigorous, voluntary standards for the integrity of programming and services, fundraising, community interactions, and organizational governance.

These standards of integrity apply to all the content public media organizations produce and present, regardless of subject matter, including news, science, history, information, music, arts, and culture. These standards apply across all public media channels and platforms – broadcasting, online, social media, print, media devices, and in-person events.

Public media, individually and collectively:

Contribute to communities’ civic, educational, and cultural life by presenting a range of ideas and cultures and offering a robust forum for discussion and debate.

Commit to accuracy and integrity in the pursuit of facts about events, issues, and important matters that affect communities and people’s lives.

Pursue fairness and responsiveness in content and services, with particular attention to reflecting diversity of demography, culture, and beliefs.

Aim for transparency in news gathering, reporting, and other content creation and share the reasons for important editorial and programming choices.

Protect the editorial process from the fact and appearance of undue influence, exercising care in seeking and accepting funds and setting careful boundaries between contributors and content creators.

Encourage understanding of fundraising operations and practices, acknowledge program sponsors, and disclose content-related terms of sponsor support.

Maintain respectful and accountable relationships with individual and organizational contributors.

Seek editorial partnerships and collaborations to enhance capacity, perspective, timeliness, and relevance and apply public media standards to these arrangements.

Expect employees to uphold public media’s integrity in their personal as well as their professional lives, understanding that employee actions, even when “off the clock,” affect trust, integrity, credibility, and impartiality.

Promote the common good, the public interest, and these commitments to integrity and trustworthiness in organizational governance, leadership, and management.

The Public Media Code of Integrity was developed by the Affinity Group Coalition and the Station Resource Group, collectively representing public television and radio stations and service organizations from across the country, with support from the Corporation for Public Broadcasting.

September 2013


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