Interview with Monica Jones
The Outlaw Project: a tiny home project for trans women
November 2021 | Interview by: Raye Winch | Photos by: Rachel Castillo
Monica Jones is a powerful organizer and advocate for trans women of color. She is the founder and CEO of the Outlaw Project, a trans-BIPOC led and centered organization that works on the following priority areas: emergency housing, economic justice for self-sufficiency; harm reduction and health promotion; community-led solutions to violence, mitigating the impact of oppression because of criminalization, decriminalization of sex work, and the removal of other repressive laws and policies.

The Outlaw Project is currently focused on getting Trans Women of Color into stable, secure housing through building tiny homes.

GoFundMe: link here
Website (under construction): link here
Instagram: link here
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Twitter (Monica Jones): link here
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