This is the second of two episodes with Houda and her younger sister Sara revisiting stories that Melanie–and you–have heard before. But now that the sisters speak more English and are a bit more comfortable sharing their stories, they’re sharing more details. In the first of the two episodes, Houda re-told the story about joining the protests outside her school.
In this episode, Sara tells Melanie about the time she was playing in the courtyard of her grandmother’s home when a helicopter flew overhead and shot some sort of projectile at her as her parents watched.
After we recorded this episode, our producer Rusty said that, as a dad, he would have had a hard time ever letting her out of the house again.
When Sara’s parents trusted Melanie to take Sara with her to Chicago for a week this summer (the photo is from that trip), Melanie remembered this story. And she took to heart just what a profound trust Sara’s parents were placing in her. And what strength it must take as parents to let their daughter travel 1000 miles away.
Melanie/ميلاني: From here, we are listening to our mothers.
سارا/Sara: من هنا: استمعوا لأمهاتكم