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This week our guest is Richard Davis, son-in-law of the late Quincie Douglas, an African-American woman who established a transportation system for incapacitated individuals in Tucson, Arizona. Her organization, L.I.F.T.S. (Low Income Free Transportation Service), launched in 1965, was taken over by the City of Tucson in 1971 and is today known as Van Tran. Mrs. Douglas passed away in 1986 but her story and the work that she accomplished lives on in Tucson. The City of Tucson honored Mrs. Douglas by naming a library and recreation center after her.
Quincie Douglas Library: www.library.pima.gov/locations/QUI/
Quincie Douglas Center: www.tucsonaz.gov/parks/QuincieDouglasCenter
YOUTUBE VERSION: youtu.be/Qlsx6RAno-c
#BlackHistory #DisabilityRights #Transportation #TucsonHistory