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This week we join forces with our sister channel Soul Star Live to bring you a special celebrating the history and contributions of the Buffalo Soldiers.
Our guests include Dr. Michael Engs, Dr. John Langellier, Trooper Sam Freeman, Jr., Dr. Jon Covington, and Walt Richardson II.
Freedom on the Border (Book): www.amazon.com/Freedom-Border-Seminole-Territory-Coahuila/dp/0896722503/ref=sr_1_2?dchild=1&keywords=freedom+on+the+border&qid=1614485060&sr=8-2
Tucson, AZ Buffalo Soldiers Memorial: www.tucsonbuffalosoldiermemorial.com/
YOUTUBE VERSION: https://youtu.be/EVfSA9cbNbY
#BlackHistory #CathayWilliams #BuffaloSoldiers #SouthwestHistory #ArizonaHistory #Tucson