Threadleaf groundsel (Senecio flaccidus var. flaccidus) is a pretty native shrub… grey foliage and yellow flowers! The green leaf variety, S. flaccidus var. monoensis, is quite pretty as well… green foliage and yellow flowers! We find that variety growing in the desert and low hills around Fort Bowie National Historic Site.
I meant to mention in this ramble that old range plant books and even in some floras, it’s noted that this plant is quite poisonous to cattle or horses. This species of groundsel or ragwort (great name) is all over the range and you gotta wonder if the poisoning used to happen when there simply was nothing else to browse. And, I’m thinking that some of the toxins that make it dangerous for livestock make it useful as a medicinal plant for humans. Lemme know what you find out.
Hey, the photos are mine and taken in grassland near our home.