I love following the drainages out of the mountains and across the deserts, observing all the plants and animals that follow them as well. Do I always tell you that? Having wild turkeys come out of the nearby mountains and wander by our little homestead reminded me to talk about the magic of canyons and arroyos that cross our deserts.
The reintroduction of the Gould’s turkey into the mountain ranges of southeastern Arizona began in the early 1980s and continued through the 1990s. There were blunders and successes. Now a days we can’t go into the mountains without seeing turkeys. Success!
The scientific name for the Gould’s turkey is Meleagris gallopavo mexicana. My suggested Latinized name ubiquiticola is from the Latin ubique for everywhere and cola for inhabitant, so, “present everywhere inhabitant.” I think it could be the new subspecies name replacing mexicana. Dream on Mister Mesquitey!
The photos are mine and taken at our little homestead and in the nearby mountains.