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‹ Pedaling The Pueblo

Pedaling the Pueblo – Cycling Advocates of Southern Arizona (CASAz)

November 10, 2020

Pedaling the Pueblo – Cycling Advocates of Southern Arizona (CASAz)

CASAz is a non-profit, 501(c)(3) organization dedicated to improving cycling infrastructure and safety.
Founded in 2016, CASAz is a champion for bicycle safety in Southern Arizona; networking with groups and organizations, gathering and disseminating information and advocating on all issues related to cycling and cycling safety.
CASAz is run by a Board of Directors that meets monthly. CASAz publishes a newsletter, maintains a website and Facebook page and has a presence on the Tucson-Pima County Bicycle Advisory Committee.
In this episode, meet CASAz President Daphne Hope and learn what brought her to Tucson and what motivates her to make cycling better for everyone in Southern Arizona.
Pedaling the Pueblo – Cycling Advocates of Southern Arizona (CASAz)

Pedaling the Pueblo is a mini-program and podcast that connects people to news and information about Tucson’s bicycle culture. A collective of bicycle enthusiasts host and produce weekly programs covering a wide variety of topics. From community events to questions about how bicycle funding works; tips to start riding more to interviews with local bicycling legends, Pedaling the Pueblo explores life on two wheels from a “people first” approach, allowing us all to have an open dialogue about how people move through our shared built environment.

Content is responsive to and driven by the community, so if you have a question or topic you’d like to hear covered, email us at [email protected]. You can also find us on Facebook.

Advocacy,   bicycle,   CASAz,   cycling,   Cycling Advocates,   Daphne Hope,   Southern Arizona,  


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