Dr. Andrea Romero has lived in Tucson for more than twenty years where she has raised her two children. As Vice Provost of Faculty Affairs at the University of Arizona she oversees faculty career development from recruitment, hiring, promotion through retirement. As Professor in Family Studies and Human Development and Mexican American Studies she teaches and does research on LatinX adolescent health and well-being with a focus on coalition building for community level change. She has taught thousands of students and written three books and over a hundred published works. She enjoys baking and hiking with her dogs on Mt. Lemmon.
Host: Dr. Nadia Alvarez, Ph.D. Teaching and Teacher Education
Production and Engineering: Gwendoline Hernández Nenny G of KXCI’s The Latin Connection
Music on this Episode: Regalo del Cielo by Fernando Valadés. Fernando Teodoro Valadés Lejarza, Composer.