In the unique one-man show You And Infinity, University of Arizona professor Dr. Kevin Hainline explores how humanity has grappled with the complex, weird concept of “endlessness” throughout history. Guided by the light of an overhead projector, Dr. Hainline will discuss how Greek philosophers were terrified of infinity, how thinking about infinity as an actual number set mathematicians at odds for centuries, and where we tiny humans fit in. A humorous blend of history, philosophy, and science, this engaging performance tackles the abstract and the universal, and offers a hopeful look at our place in the grand, unending story of the cosmos. You and Infinity is part of the 2025 Tucson Fringe Festival.
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Mystical Transformational Wisdom Studies
August 14 - March 18, 2026 | 6:50 pm - 8:30 pm
Cosme Wellness StudioMore Events