War of the Roses Reloaded: Pima Theatre’s Richard III Shatters Expectations with a Dystopian Twist, Nov. 9
November 9-19
Thu-Sat: 7pm; Sun: 2pm
ASL Night: Friday, Nov. 17
Understudy Shows: Thurs. Nov. 16
Pima Theater proudly presents a unique rendition of William Shakespeare’s timeless classic, Richard III. Pima Theater’s production of Richard III is poised to present a fresh take on this classic story. Under the expert direction of Maryann Green, a talented cast of actors promises to breathe new life into Shakespeare’s iconic characters. This gripping tale of ambition, manipulation, and power struggle is brought to the stage in a new portrayal of the story.
Green brings a gritty post-apocalyptic video game feel to the condensed script (total running time is 1 hour 45 minutes). “I want it to look and feel like what our students are watching and exploring in their media today.” The costumes, designed by Sarah Willwater, have a Black Panther-meets-Dune vibe and the post-modern set, designed by Izzy Georgiades, is inspired by industrial decay and has a layered feel that illustrates the cycle of destruction and regrowth that plagued much of English history in the Middle Ages. “At the beginning of the play, the characters think the war is over, but what the set shows, and what the characters soon learn, is that with tyrants and dictators on the throne, violence and destruction is always imminent.”
Purchase tickets here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/pima-theater-richard-iii-tickets-704990183617?aff=ebdsoporgprofile