Your Support for Local, Independent, Community Radio is deeply appreciated!
KXCI has been Tucson’s community radio for almost 35 years. As a dedicated KXCI listener and supporter, I’m guessing you agree that music and community connection have always been a vital part of life. It makes a hectic day come together, brightens a gloomy day, and points the way to inspiration.
Awesome music, mini and public affairs programs on KXCI Tucson 91.3 FM, and YOU—it all sounds better together! Make a Sound Investment today!
Your support helps sustain and grow the programming here at KXCI Tucson 91.3 FM. Continue that momentum by making a “Sound Investment” today. Your contribution will make KXCI sound its best all through the year. With your support, and KXCI Tucson 91.3 FM’s music and programming, we create the soundtrack to our lives!