There’s still time to bid on KXCI’s 2017 “Spring into Summer” Online Auction, but you better hurry because it closes at 11:55 pm on Tuesday, August 22nd. There are more than 175 items from generous local business owners and artists. Be sure to bid on our collection of: restaurant and personal service gift certificates, gourmet food, hotel visits, art, concert and event tickets, museum visits, and unique experiences. Tell your friends and colleagues about our auction and help KXCI even more!
Have you always wanted to be a DJ? Do you know someone who loves music? Well, you’re in luck because there are twelve “Guest DJ” opportunities to bid on- including Kidd Squidd, Ruby’s Roadhouse, Halftime at the Apocalypse, and more. Just follow this auction link to see our auction collection and make your bid for Community Radio!
Please let me know if you have any questions or if we can assist you in any way. We are honored to partner with you to bring great music and community to our friends and neighbors across Tucson and beyond.
Thanks in advance for your support!
Amanda Shauger, Community Engagement Director
(520) 623-1000 ext.17
KXCI, 220 South Fourth Avenue, Tucson AZ 85701.