Looking for KXCI on iTunes?
KXCI 91.3 can be found in your iTunes Library in the “Eclectic” Category, which can be found in the “Internet” selection in your iTunes Library, which is nested under the “Music” category of your iTunes Library. Music>Internet>Eclectic.If you are already iTunes savvy, this should be a breeze for you. If you are new to iTunes you will need to register for a free account.

When we updated our website, we also changed our streaming service. And as iTunes has restructured its categories to more accurately reflect the content of the stations available for you to hear online, the category of “Public”, which once hosted the KXCI Live stream, now no longer exists. Of course one of the hall marks of KXCI is that we have a great variety of music which doesn’t easily fit into just one category. So we chose “Eclectic” because we believe that best represents the diverse programming you’ll hear on KXCI which includes Your Morning Brew, The Home Stretch, and The Music Mix throughout the week; and our selection of specialty shows like Electric Feel, The Bluegrass Show, the roots rumblings of Ruby’s Roadhouse, Kidd Squidd’s Mystery Juke Box, Jazz Sundae, Locals Only, and all of our other programs. You can learn more about all of our programs here.