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The UA Department of Family and Community Medicine’s Development Director Thom Melendez stopped by 30 Minutes to talk about The Mobile Health Clinic. A specially outfitted truck provides examination rooms, laboratory services, and special medical tests to those in remote areas who have access to little or no medical facilities, and to patients who do not have the resources to travel to obtain care. Gabriel Ayala performs at a benefit to support The Mobile Health Clincic at Holsclaw Hall on Sunday, October 12th.
Health pioneers Augusto Ortiz, MD, and his wife, Martha Ortiz, were the founders of the Mobile Health Program and its mobile clinic. The Ortiz Endowment was established in 2000 by Dr. Andy Nichols, to serve as a permanent sponsorship fund for the Mobile Health Program at the University of Arizona. At the time, the Mobile Health Program was part of the Rural Health Office. In 2001 the Rural Health Office and the Mobile Health Program moved to the College of Public Health. It has since been moved to the College of Medicine Department of Family and Community Medicine. The program has evolved and expanded over the years based on requests from needy areas and the availability of funding.
Recorded and produced by Amanda Shauger