On the first Saturday of 2020, local groups gathered at De Anza Park to rally against war, especially any escalation against Iran. The event was organized by Tucson Anti-War Committee and sponsored by Veterans for Peace Chapter 13 in conjunction with demonstrations across the United States. 30 Minutes featured excerpts from the event which began with Veterans for Peace member Buzz Davis who introduced the speakers and also spoke. Additional speakers in this episode include United States Representative Raúl Grijalva’s District Director Ruben Reyes, World Beyond War Board President Leah Bolger, Catherine Euler from Women for Survival, and Mary Somers from Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom.
Recorded and produced by Amanda Shauger
There press release is below.
TUCSON—Rep. Raúl M. Grijalva issued the following statement after the Pentagon confirmed that a U.S.-led airstrike killed General Qasem Soleimani, the top leader of the Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC):
“While Trump golfs at his private club in Florida, his reckless actions have endangered the lives of American diplomats and service members around the world, dramatically escalated tensions in the Middle East, and raised the likelihood of another endless war in the region. From his decision to withdraw from the Iran Nuclear Deal to his warmongering advisors in the White House, President Trump has made the decision to forgo diplomacy and pursue a disastrous foreign policy toward Iran. Time and time again, President Trump has proven himself to be guided by erratic impulses over thoughtful leadership. Congress has not authorized war with Iran, and we will not allow President Trump to lead us into another endless war in the Middle East.”
en. Bernie Sanders has pleaded with President Trump and Republican lawmakers not to go to war with Iran, warning that military action would prove to be a bigger disaster than the war in Iraq. In a video posted to Twitter early Friday, hours after the Pentagon confirmed it had carried out a deadly Trump-ordered drone strike on Iranian general Qassem Soleimani, the Democratic presidential hopeful urged the president to get off the path to war. Sanders explained that he opposed the war in Vietnam as a young man and that he helped lead the effort against the war in Iraq. “That war was the worst foreign-policy blunder in the modern history of the United States,” said Sanders, referring to Iraq. Sanders went on: “I’m going to do everything I can to prevent a war with Iran because if you think the war in Iraq was a disaster, my guess is that war in Iran would be even worse… So let’s work together and prevent that war, and if people want to criticize me for that, go for it, that’s OK, I don’t apologize to anybody.”
Statement by U.S. Sen. Jeff Merkley (OR)
We are in a dangerous moment.
Without authorization by Congress, the president ordered the assassination of a senior military leader of Iran on Iraqi territory. There is no question that General Soleimani has been involved in plotting lethal attacks on Americans. But there is plenty of uncertainty about whether this act strengthens or hurts American security. President Trump claims that his purpose was to deter future attacks on Americans. I fear that it may well have the opposite effect—triggering additional attacks, potentially destabilizing the government of Iraq, and driving escalation to the launch of another poorly calculated war in the Middle East. Our country should never just fall into a war. Our Constitution is clear: The power to go to war rests with Congress, not the president. We must insist that the Constitution be honored. One reason I refused to support the president’s military spending bill last month was that it dropped an amendment blocking the president from launching an unauthorized war with Iran. I had fought for this amendment—which had passed the House with bipartisan support—because restoring Congress’s constitutional role is essential to our security. It must be the American people, through their representatives, who decide when our sons and daughters go to war. Now, after breaking the nuclear deal and months of saber-rattling, President Trump and the war hawks he has surrounded himself with have put America at the brink of war with Iran. Iran is a dangerous foe, and we need a strong, thoughtful policy to meet the challenges it poses to American security. But American lives are too precious to let a reckless president with reckless plans start another war in the Middle East. Senator Jeff Merkley |
For reporters who would like a more in-depth view of the Iran US conflict you may contact Mr Moji Agha (520) 325-3545 or [email protected]
“I am an Iranian-American Associate Member of Veterans For Peace, with lots of family and relatives inside Iran–and obviously they are deeply worried at this time, as I am. Thank you, dear Bernie, for your deeply principled stance for peace. God Bless Bernie, the “Mossadegh of America.” God Bless PEACE! Moji Agha (Mojtaba Aghamohammadi), Boulder, Colorado”
Source: https://www.facebook.
38 states and 78 cities hold protest against US war in Iraq today
By Kevin Zeese and Margaret Flowers, Popular Resistance January 2, 2020 | RESIST!,
No New US War on Iraq protest at White House from the ANSWER Coalition.
UPDATE: On Friday morning, the US military bombed and killed General Qassem Soleimani, the head of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps – Quds Force near the international airport in Baghdad, Iraq. Soleimani is credited with defeating ISIS, Al-Qaeda and other extremists. Also killed was Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis, the head of the Iraqi Popular Mobilization Committee. This assassination was ordered by President Trump, according to the Pentagon. This is a blatantly illegal act that will surely have a response from Iran and could lead to a regional or global war. That’s why we need to spread the word quickly to mobilize Saturday for “No War on Iran. US Out of Iraq and the Middle East!”
On Saturday, January 4, Popular Resistance along with the ANSWER Coalition, CODEPINK, United AntiWar Coalition (UNAC), World Beyond War, Voices for Creative Nonviolence and others are calling on people from around the United States to organize local demonstrations to demand:
The government of Iraq has called on US troops to leave Iraq. Last week, people protested at the massive US embassy compound in Baghdad calling on US troops to leave the country.
Protests have been in response to the latest US aerial assault that killed scores of Iraqis. Rather than leave, Donald Trump has ordered 750 more U.S. troops to the Middle East and potentially 3,000 more. This is in addition to the 5,200 US troops already stationed in Iraq. Every US president over the last 28 years has ordered the bombing of Iraq.
The decision by Donald Trump and the Pentagon to launch new air assaults against Iraqis in the past week ignited nationwide resistance by Iraqis who want to reclaim their full sovereignty and do not want Iraq to be used in a US war on Iran.
More than a million Iraqis have died during the past 28 years as a consequence of US occupation, bombings, and sanctions. Tens of thousands of US troops have either been killed or suffered life-changing wounds. The US government has spent more than $3 trillion dollars in the on-going occupation and bombing of this oil-rich country.
Instead of taking the United States out of this endless war, Trump is building up U.S. forces in the region and threatening war with Iran. The demonstrations calling for the US out of Iraq and the Middle East, as well as an end to the illegal US sanctions, will take place on Saturday, January 4 in the following cities.
More are being organized.
Contact info@
Birmingham, AL
1 pm at Kelly Ingram Park
Phoenix, AZ
12 noon at Esplanade Center
Tucson, AZ
2 pm DeAnza Park Speedway and Stone
National Day of Action Protests are being held in 38 states and 78 cities today see this link: https://popularresistance.org/