My name is Nikki Mastrud, and I am a rising sophomore at the University of Arizona majoring in Molecular and Cellular Biology with a minor in Gender and Women’s Studies. I grew up in the suburbs of Chicago before coming to Arizona for school, but over the past year I have found a home in Tucson. Since high school, I have been very active in STEM outreach to increase kids’ interest in the sciences. I also advocate for increased diversity in STEM through my involvement with WISE (Women in Science and Engineering) and oSTEM (Out in STEM).
This summer, I am conducting immunobiology research in Dr. Dominik Schenten’s lab. This lab investigates how the innate immune system mediates the adaptive immune system. Specifically, I am looking into how a specific T-cell response is regulated. In the future, I plan to go to graduate school, and then teach at university where I can continue to do research while educating the next generation of scientists.
The University of Arizona’s Undergraduate Biology Research Program is partnering with KXCI 91.3 to produce “Thesis Thursday,” a weekly segment featuring student researchers talking about their undergraduate thesis projects, or research projects while working with University professors. Students describe their research, their overall goals and career interests and where they think their research will lead. As well, they get a chance to share the music and interests that motivate them.Broadcast three times every Thursday with a new student each week.
Thursdays: 9:55 AM, 11:55 AM, and 2:55 PM
Produced by Cathy Rivers