Pedaling the Pueblo – Summer Riding Tips to Beat the Heat
The heat is here, we knew it would come eventually. But with a little extra time and some simple planning, you can keep riding your bicycle all summer long – you might even find, as some do, you prefer riding in the summer because of the lower traffic volumes on the streets after schools let out for the summer.
Listen to Kylie Walzak, a host of Pedaling the Pueblo, talk about some simple ways to stay cool while pedaling the pueblo.
Pedaling the Pueblo – Summer Riding Tips to Beat the Heat
Pedaling the Pueblo is a mini-program and podcast that connects people to news and information about Tucson’s bicycle culture. A collective of bicycle enthusiasts host and produce weekly programs covering a wide variety of topics. From community events to questions about how bicycle funding works; tips to start riding more to interviews with local bicycling legends, Pedaling the Pueblo explores life on two wheels from a “people first” approach, allowing us all to have an open dialogue about how people move through our shared built environment.
Content is responsive to and driven by the community, so if you have a question or topic you’d like to hear covered, email us at [email protected]. You can also find us on Facebook.