In this episode of Nonprofit Spotlight, Stephanie Engs talks with Katie Rogers the Senior Attorney for the Begin Again Expungement Project at Southern Arizona Legal Aid whose mission is to provide equal access to justice in a self-empowering and dignified manner. Katie goes in-depth about the services of the Begin Again Expungement Project and the day to day, person to person work that entails actualizing their vision of both educating the public about their role, and of providing quality legal services to all low-income and otherwise disenfranchised individuals within their nine-county service area in Arizona.
Persons in need of assistance with expungement should contact: Southern Arizona Legal Aid, Inc. at
520-623-9465 ext. 4420, or email us at [email protected]
To contact the Reclaim Your Future statewide Marijuana Expungement coalition contact 1-800-722-4026 | [email protected] | azexpunge.org