I am majoring in Molecular & Cellular Biology and Microbiology and minoring in Biochemistry at
the University of Arizona. At the UA, I am researching oncogenic HPV virus pathogenesis.
Specifically, I am looking at how the virus is able to translocate its molecular DNA into host
nucleus and remain there during cell division – thus allowing for infection of both daughter
cells. It has been proposed that the virus uses a tethering mechanism to attach its viral DNA to
host chromatin; this process is what I am currently investigating. After graduation, I plan on
taking a gap year. In this gap year I would like to continue my work investigating HPV
pathogenesis and applying to medical schools. I love listening to music; however, my interests
sort of comes in waves. Currently, I have been listening to a lot of late 90s early 00s hip hop.
Artists like Mos Def, A tribe called quest, and Nas get a lot of playtime at the moment.