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Plastic Single Use Beverage Bottles. Just Say NO.

June 22, 2014

Today I’m just going to tell you about about my biggest pet peeves-beverages in single use plastic bottles….. Especially water.  Argh.  Why would you buy a drink, water, that is supposed to be refreshening, encased in plastic?

You may think it’s cheaper. It’s NOT. I’ve heard bottled water can cost up to 2,000x more than tap and buying bottled water has been compared to buying a $10,000 sandwich.

Is it better for you? You may think so but, I’m here to say unless you are in a Developing Country, with an iffy water supply, bottled water is probably not better for you.

Bottled water can actually be worse for your health.  I have seen statistics that stated that a high percentage, about 30%,  of bottled water has been found to contain harmful chemicals.  Also, chemicals from the plastic bottles can get into the drinking water.

Much of the bottled water, about 40 % is from a municipal source, here in the U.S..  So about 40% It’s filtered city water.  Just like you can make at home for way cheaper.

What about the environment?  You may think, hey, I can recycle this bottle.  Yes, you can but, only 35% actually are recycled.  And, remember the recycling process does use natural resources.

There are many options to cut the bottled water habit:

Idea #1 Filter your own. One water pitcher filter can effectively replace about three hundred 17 oz bottles. Home filter your  tap water with a table-top pitcher or faucet  filter.  You can buy a filter at any store selling home goods. Another option to buying bottled water is getting  5 gallon, giant water bottle.  Take your giant water bottle to the store and get it refilled when you do your regular grocery shopping. As far as other refreshing beverages go; if you are a soda fan, I hear that a Soda Stream is cheap and easy to use.  And if you like tea, Tucson is the best place to make Sun Tea!

If you are going to take a water bottle on the go, there are tons of re-usable bottle options out there.  You can go with stainless steel (preferred) or BPA free plastic.  You can use a water bladder if you are out on a bike ride or a hike. You could even re-use an old Mason Jar-that’s fun & funky. Sometimes people think I have Moonshine in my Mason Jar (a great way to make new friends)!

Both Grand Canyon and Saguaro National Parks  have gotten hip to the anti-water bottle movement.  Visitors to these parks are only offered drinking water out of spigots.  They are not selling water in single-use plastic bottles anymore. They offer reusable water bottles at the gift shop.

I do, sometimes, in an emergency, maybe once every year or so, drink a bottle of water…but, to have it as your main water source water is very costly to your pocket book and to our planet.


Fore More info: Ban The Bottle. Bottled Water Facts

And, this is a great cartoon/video: The Story of Bottled Water

Air Dates for this program: June 21, 22 & 23 of 2014

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Gretchen Tucson,   KXCI,   Single use beverage bottles.,   Weekly Green,  


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