Caitlin Schmidt is a co-founder of the Tucson Agenda, a Substack
newsletter that offers a clear-eyed look at the decisions that affect
Tucson and Tucsonans.
Caitlin is a 2014 graduate of the University of Arizona School of
Journalism. She was an investigative, and then solutions journalism
reporter at the Arizona Daily Star for almost 9 years and has won
dozens of awards for her reporting. In 2019, she became well-known
for producing a six-story, five-podcast series about efforts
to stop sexual misconduct at universities . She also wrote solutions-
based stories about reproductive health education and Pima County
programs that help get people out of jail and back on track with their
Caitlin recently left the Star to start the Tucson Agenda, and we’re
excited to hear more about that today.
Our song for the music break is 9 to 5 by Dolly Parton