In this episode, we hear from Bibi Harris, business owner, dancemaker, and binational teaching artist. Bibi begins by sharing her experience of leading the Voces Migrantes project in Nogales, SON, with a team comprised of her family and fellow artists of the region, including Yvonne Montoya, Ammi Robles, Aaliyah Rubio, and Gerardo Alfonso Mendez Gallardo. She speaks about her connection with the region and the people who cross the border, recalling the importance of always remembering where you come from. Bibi then takes us back and shares the roots of her career as a binational artist and the influence of growing up in an artistic Mexican household. She then shares what is moving her as a creative, and her new project centers on the stories of elders who live in Douglas, AZ, and Agua Prieta, SON.
To hear all this more, listen to the full-length podcast by clicking the link above! To listen to the mini, click below!

More about Bibi:
Adriana Harris is a mother, choreographer, studio director, and business owner based in Douglas, AZ and Agua Prieta, SON. She was born and raised in Agua Prieta and began her dance career at 8 years old. At 18, she developed and presented her own repertoire of choreography under the guidance of Alma Dolores at the Alma Dolores International Dance Center. In 2011, Adriana opened BB Danceur Academy in Douglas, AZ where she currently resides and continues to present her work regionally, in Arizona and Sonora. Under her direction, BB Danceur Academy has received over 100 Platinum and Gold accolades at national competitions including 3 High Gold Awards for First Place Overall at the 2018 Hall of Fame Dance Challenge in Phoenix, AZ. Bibi is a recipient of a Project Creosote Grant from the Arts Foundation for Tucson and Southern Arizona and Creative Aging Grant from the Arizona Commision on the Arts.