The common name Chocolate Flower refers to the morning fragrance of the flower. Another common name I came across is Lyreleaf Greeneyes and that refers to the green disc of the flower after the ray flowers (petals) have fallen and the shape of the basal leaves as well. Apparently lyres came is some interesting shapes. If you want to be safe and impress all sorts of folks too, why not learn the botanical name Berlandiera lyrata. That’s not hard and if you’re feeling cocky learn to say Asteraceae, the sunflower family where this native wildflower resides.
From spring through fall I have a couple early morning drives that take me through roadside stands of Berlandiera. One is the occasional drive up Dragoon Road headed to the interstate and Tucson. The other drive is Saturday mornings on Central Highway near McNeal and headed to the Bisbee Farmers Market. Both require that I roll down the truck window and take in the wild aroma of Berlandiera lyrata.
Some notes: The photos were taken along Dragoon Road and not far from the Yucca baccata var. thornberi that I mention in the show. Hmm, if it is indeed thornberi then it is the variety and not a sub species. Dang! But listen, there are many wildflowers to be found in that area. It’s wonderful. Go there and park and wander.
And finally this: I still take my homegrown native plants to the Bisbee Farmers Market most Saturdays spring through fall. It’s wonderful. Go there and park and wander.