Hello! My name is Ariel Heinrich. I’m a sophomore undergraduate at the U of A, dual majoring in MCB (molecular & cellular biology) and Microbiology, and minoring in Chinese language. Starting this past May, I have begun working on a project in the Baltrus Lab that focuses on understanding the interaction between certain species of soil fungi and the bacteria found living inside the cells of these fungi. Very little is yet known
about this peculiar corner of our natural environment, making it important that we understand its inner workings– more specifically, knowing how climate change and our current agricultural practices may be affecting it could perhaps help us maintain the health of the biosphere that we humans so heavily depend on for our survival. When I’m not fiddling with my bacteria in the lab, I like to play the cello, watch Star Trek, spend
time with my friends, read (mostly sci-fi), bake, and go for walks outdoors.

Research Matters is Hosted, Recorded, Engineered, and Produced at KXCI Tucson by Bridgitte Thum.
Thanks to Jillian Bessett for providing the intro and outro music, a custom instrumental version of The Kids Will Be Fine from her beautiful album JOY.