A celebration of Food – Culture – Community and the rich traditions of Maiz
The nonprofit Tucson City of Gastronomy (TCoG) will kick off the third annual international festival celebrating the gastronomies, histories, and food cultures of maíz (corn) in Tucson and three other UNESCO Creative Cities of Gastronomy. Participating cities this year will include Tucson, San Antonio, Mérida MX, and Bergamo-Gandino IT.
Pueblos del Maíz Tucson (PDM) will be a four-day celebration of the significant role of maíz in Southern Arizona’s food heritage, gastronomy, and culture. Centered in downtown Tucson, it will also extend to Mission Garden, Kennedy Park, and other venues across the city. The main program will run from Thursday, April 11th to Sunday, April 14th. It will feature a FREE fiesta at Kennedy Park with street food and live music, cooking demonstrations by visiting chefs, a white-cloth dinner collaboratively prepared by visiting and local chefs, live musical performances, interactive art installations, and educational tours, demonstrations, and presentations on the theme of maíz.
Learn more about Tucson City of Gastronomy at tucson.cityofgastronomy.org.
Tickets and RSVP at PueblosDelMaiz.com