PSA: PELVIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT is an autobiographical, comedic, musical romp through the pelvic floor to a place (almost) beyond shame. When “know-it-all” comedian Amy Veltman tried to address her pelvic floor issues, she learned just how much she didn’t know about life’s most basic functions—in spite of having a dad who’s an OB/GYN!
In this one-woman show, Veltman introduces us to characters that educate her and challenge her to figure out what’s T.M.I. (Too Much Information), and what’s just the right amount. The themes, jokes, and conditions addressed in the show have relevance for men and women of all ages.
With this silly yet educational show, Amy Veltman seeks to become the new face of the pelvic floor.
Three performances:
1/26 at 9:00 PM
1/27 at 7:00 PM
1/28 at 6:30 PM