Three films coming to Tucson March 12 & 13 document current issues with uranium.
First shown “Radioactive: the Women of Three Mile Island” revisits the work on health of citizen-activists after the March 1979 meltdown of a nuclear power plant. Film-maker Heidi Hutner was astonished as she researched the aftermath of that event’s knowns and unknowns. 2022, 77 minutes. Tuesday 3/12 4 pm.
Second film “Downwind” is set closer to home, downwind of the Nevada Test Site. East of the test site locals reveal their process and challenges that occurred from the health and environmental effects there. Filmmaker Mark Shapiro will be available for Q&A. 2023, 95 minutes, Tuesday 3/12 6 pm.
Third film “Demon Mineral” allows us to hear wisdom endemic in Navajo culture, their estimation of the extraction industry with important viewpoint on respecting the unknowns. From a people who have honored the concept of protecting Earth. 2022, 95 minutes, Wed 3/13 3pm.
All films to be shown at the SCREENING ROOM located 127 E. Congress Street, Tucson Arizona.
*free admission
*ticket reservation per film at thescreeningroom.org. 127 E. Congress Street.
*downtown Public parking Scott and Pennington. Same block as Screening Room.
All donations accepted for benefit of the festival organizers: International Uranium Film Festival. The powerful work of the IUFF is presented in their 2024 USA tour. See IUFF.org for more. Festival founders Norbert G. Suchanek and Marcia Gomes de Oliviera will be available at the speakers panel after “Downwind”.
Festival art work credit: Klee Benaly.
Local sponsors: The Nuclear Resister, Physicians for Social Responsibility-Arizona, The Tucson Peace Center, Womens International League for Peace and Freedom WILPF- Tucson.
Local contact: [email protected]