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BOD Minutes October 2012


KXCI Board of Directors Meeting Minutes

Thursday, October 18 2012 5:45pm

Community Resource Center

320 North Commerce Park Loop, Tucson

  1. I.                Call to Order 

Meeting called to order by Mary Beth @ 5:51

  1. II.              Attendance

 Present: Mary Beth Haralovich, John Barrett, Becky Birk, David Curl, David Davis, Lois Grushka, Steve Itkin, Keith Kanzler, Ernesto Portillo Jr., Katie Rogerson, Jeff Zabel

Absent: Jim D’Antonio, Cecily Crebbs, Tony Ford, and Michael Wyman – excused.

  1. III.            Review and adoption of August 2012 Minutes.  

Minutes approved.

  1. IV.            Committee Reports

Development:   Current status of progress on capital campaign with Smith & Dale reviewed.  Pros and Cons of hiring S & D to run campaign discussed, including $85,000 price of 14-month commitment, BOD participation requirement, and post campaign activity to include formation of Major Gift committee.   David C. moves to approve of the hiring.  Motion is approved with one abstention (Lois). It is also approved that Randy be authorized to sign the contract and begin the process.  Formation of the honorary and working Campaign Cabinet will begin in November.


Finance:  David D. reviews financial statements, including budget and expense detail reports, Statements of Assets, and Liabilities and Equity.  He advises that current status positive largely due to recent fund drive.


Bylaws: John B. advises that there was nothing to report at this time and observed that committee is mostly a reactive, not proactive one.  Ways to refine future goals and objectives of the committee discussed.


Personnel:   The personnel committee did not meet the past month.  Future goal defined as that of putting together a BOD handbook describing basic guidelines to help with efficiency and enhance continuity of operations.




Board Development:  Katie R. advises that the committee did not meet, but that she had also met with Smith and Dale and discussed the importance of finding prospects that are familiar with the fundraising and development issues.   All to remain focused on finding appropriate referrals in that regard.


Elections:  No specific report given.  It is announced that Michael W. has volunteered to chair this committee.


Strategic Plan:  Mary Beth H. advises that committee is looking to focus on priorities for the upcoming year and discusses the timetable.  John B. offers to join and is welcomed.


CAB Development:    Becky B. reported that the next CAB meeting is scheduled for November 7 and will once again work on defining the scope of their objectives.


Technology:    Amanda advises that a potentially elegant solution to tower issue may have been hit upon with negotiations now taking place regarding a midtown tower site. Engineers are working on all aspects for this option.  Digitization issues discussed once again in relation to the overall future of broadcast signal technology.  Web sight and issues with NPR Digital Services also discussed.


  1. Volunteer Representative

Ernesto P. advises that Volunteer meeting is scheduled for November 13 and will include report to be given by Smith & Dale at that time.  The date for Solstice party is set for December 17 this year and all are reminded to attend.

  1. GM Report

Randy reviews written report distributed to all and encouraged all to attend the Volunteer meeting set for 11/13.  Stated that the EC and finance committee with meet just prior to the meeting.  Discussed several upcoming events including “Giving Tuesday” being established to encouraged more giving around the holidays, a possible Festivus concert and a possible El Casino show as well.  He also advises that annual audit set to begin in mid-November and that no surprises are expected.

VII            New Business  

None noted.

IIX           Call to Audience 

                        No response.


       IX           Executive Session:  

None taken.

X           Adjournment:     by acclamation @ 7:06 pm


Respectfully submitted,

Keith Kanzler



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