KXCI Board of Directors Regular Board Meeting Minutes
Thursday, November 21, 20135:45pm Maker House, 283 North Stone
I. Call to Order
Meeting called to order by Mary Beth Haralovich at 5:45pm.
II. Attendance
Present: Gene Armstrong, David Curl, Jim D’Antonio, David Davis, Tony Ford, Jennie Grabel, Mary Beth Haralovich, Keith Kanzler, Laura Reese, Michael Wyman, Jeff Zabel. Absent: Becky Birk, Steve Itkin, Katie Rogerson – all excused.
Mary Beth announced Jill Bishop’s resignation from the board, she has taken a new job in San Diego.
III. Mission Moment
Music Director Duncan Hudson spoke about the SXSW Music Festival in Austin and how Tucson last year was one of the few official “city-based” showcases; KXCI coordinated the effort with musician Marianne Dissard and the Tucson Weekly. We’re hoping to do so again in 2014, as this represents national exposure for local music and the station.
IV. Capital Campaign Report- Deb Dale & Keith Kanzler
Deb Dale distributed the updated financial report on the campaign. We are at $286,447 in total pledges through November 21st. The board should watch for an Arizona Daily Star article about the effort. There is plenty of work to do in following up on pledges and we need board-level volunteers to place thank you calls.
V. Consent Agenda
Financial reports, committee reports, staff reports and the October 2013 minutes were approved by consent. Mary Beth stressed the important in getting items for the Staff and Board dashboards turned in on time so they can be assembled and disseminated.
VI. Action Item: Review and Adopt Whistleblower Policy
Jeff presented the Whistleblower Policy as vetted by the Personnel Committee. Discussion ensued on the use of the word “should” with options presented for alternative language. Motion by David Davis, seconded by Jim D’Antonio, to adopt the Whistleblower Policy as presented; motion adopted by unanimous vote.
VII. Strategic Discussion
Bylaw Changes (tabled from August): Remain tabled as committee chair Steve Itkin is not present.
Rebranding KXCI: Jennie and Laura met with Randy Peterson to discuss the initial steps in a possible rebranding. Laura said that any branding of KXCI first requires us to get to the root of our mission. Jennie added that it’s much more than just a logo, we need to respect all of the components of the station. The project would have specific timelines. Jennie requested that a specific committee be formed for the effort, with board, staff and volunteers. Mary Beth requested that it include a member of the CAB. Motion by Jennie Grabel, seconded by Laura Reese, to form an ad hoc committee on rebranding KXCI. Motion adopted unanimously.
VIII. Board Credo
Mary Beth stressed the importance of volunteering, especially during all of the 30th anniversary events now through December 21st. “Let’s be out in the public!”
IX. Executive Session: none
X. Adjournment: at 6:30pm
Respectfully submitted by
Randy Peterson, acting secretary for the evening