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BOD Minutes November 2012


KXCI Board of Directors Meeting Minutes

Thursday, November 15 2012 5:45pm

Community Resource Center, 320 North Commerce Park Loop, Tucson

  1. I.                Call to Order 

Meeting called to order by Mary Beth @ 5:46


  1. II.              Attendance

 Present: Mary Beth Haralovich, John Barrett, Becky Birk,  David Davis,  Jim D’Antonio, Tony Ford, Lois Grushka, Steve Itkin, Keith Kanzler, Jeff Zabel

Absent:  Cecily Crebbs,  Ernesto Portillo Jr., Katie Rogerson,  and Michael Wyman – excused.  John Barrett, David Curl


  1. III.            Review and adoption of October Minutes.  

Minutes approved.

  1. IV.            Committee Reports


Development:   Current status of progress on capital campaign with Smith and Dale reviewed.  Details of what BOD involvement will entail discussed.  Timelines and current state of affairs spelled out.


Finance:  David D. reviews financial statements, including budget and expense detail reports, Statements of Assets, and Liabilities and Equity.  Discussion held regarding the Capital Campaign reporting process, and how that will be implemented into account statements.


Bylaws:   No report given.


Personnel:   The personnel committee did not meet the past month, but will do so in January.


Board Development:  Katie not present and Mary Beth advised she had spoken with her and meeting with Smith and Dale would be held to cultivate referrals.


Elections:  No report given.


Strategic Plan:  No report given.


CAB Development:     Becky advised that quarterly meeting occurred on November 7, with a good turnout.  Officers were elected and focus groups were formed.  PSA and PA report process were reviewed and discussed.  The next meeting is scheduled for February 13.  Looking to conduct a Social Hour @ local office to meet in a more casual fashion.


Technology:      Tony Ford reports that the committee did not meet last month, and they were still waiting for determine the fate of NPR Digital, which remains unknown at this time.  He has discussed websight issues with staff and looking at software options.   They will start on development process as soon as possible, with 60 days needed before going live.                        Amanda reviews Tower Lease progress, and the engineering issues in that regard, and the process of applying with the FCC.  She states that progress in this area on a good pace in relation to the Capital Campaign.


  1.  Volunteer Representative

A volunteer meeting was held on November 13 in the Pioneer Building on Stone, where Deb Dale gave presentation regarding the Capital Campaign.   It was very well attended with 64 souls present.   Meeting was productive and encouraging.  All reminded of the annual Solstice party to take place at the station on December 17 from 5 to 9.

  1. GM Report

Randy reviews written report distributed to all.  Advised of recent Audit process.  Questions around the issue of Social Media discussed in detail.  Duncan described current efforts in the areas of websight development, blogging, facebook, and associated links to such.  Mary Beth advises that she recently attended a Social Media workshop and suggested Duncan work with staff and board in order to stay current on that count.

  1. New Business: None noted.

IIX. Call to Audience: Cathy Rivers’ birthday! With a Happy Birthday to you, etc.

IX. Executive Session: None taken

X.  Adjournment:     by acclamation @ 6:20 pm


Respectfully submitted,

Keith Kanzler,



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