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BOD Minutes May 2011


KXCI Board of Directors Meeting Minutes Thursday, May 19, 2011 5:45 PM
Child and Family Resources, 2800 East Broadway, Tucson

I. Call to Order Meeting called to order by Mary Beth at 5:46 PM

II. Attendance, Schedule Next Meeting

Present: Mary Beth Haralovich, Jamie Manser, Susan Banes, Cecily Crebbs, Andrew Agnew, Marc Goodman, Lois Grushka, Keith Kanzler, Debra Rodriguez, Vance Sanders, and Hardy Smith.

Absent: Katie Rogerson, Anne Shivers, and Michael Wyman were excused.

Mary Beth announced that at the June annual meeting the Board would be seating officers and elected members. Susan Banes is stepping down as Treasurer as is Cecily Crebbs as Secretary. Mary Beth asked members of the Board to consider serving on the Executive Committee for the upcoming year.

III. Review and Adopt February, 2011 Minutes

The Board reviewed the minutes from February’s meeting. Jamie moved to approve the minutes, Cecily seconded, and the minutes were approved. IV. Committee Reports

a) Development Debra Rodriguez reported that at the last development meeting Brian Bateman did a great job. He is mentoring the committee and helping with a long-term capital campaign. This campaign has a 3-5 year time frame and consists of three planks. 1.) “Burn the mortgage,” i.e. payoff KXCI’s mortgage on the house 2.) Capacity for technology – improving the level of staffing and the salaries of the staff, adding staff so as to be able to add services like digitizing the station, etc 3.) ongoing terrestrial problems. The Committee would like the Board to be behind this. Brain Bateman will train the Board at the retreat. Mary Beth commented that this would be a significant change in how the Board does development with Debra Rodriguez and Brian Bateman mentoring the Board. In addition Amanda distributed sheets and names for the Board to make phone calls thanking members.

b) Finance Susan Banes reported on the Financial Statements. April was a good month for KXCI. Looking at Report C We made money off the Calexico concert. Underwriting is up $18,000 vs $12,000, ahead of budget by $5,000. Expenses held well. Report D we had a net income of $1701 vs a loss of $15,024 creating a variance of $16,725. We won’t show a profit for the next four months, until September’s pledge drive. Some discussion arose about sustaining memberships vs the two pledge drives and our fundraising goals. Debra Rodriguez asked if sustaining memberships were counted as part of the goal or were in addition to the goal of the pledge drive. Vance asked if the reason we were ahead of budget was due to sustaining memberships. Susan thinks sustaining memberships should be pulled out of the pool, not counted as part of the “new” pledge drive. This question was tabled for the Finance Committee to review.
Mary Beth thanked Susan for her service to the Board and for her vision and creation of a more professional Board.

c) Bylaws Hardy Smith said there were no issues with the Bylaws.
d) Personnel Hardy said the Personnel Committee had not met and that

there were no issues.

e) Board Development There are three candidates running for the Board. David Davis was nominated for an appointed seat to the Board. David has a background in non-profit management and finance. He is interested in the Finance Committee. Susan moved David to be seated on the Board, Jamie seconded the motion. The Board seated David by a unanimous vote. There was some discussion as to how to best handle this year’s Board retreat. Added to the usual retreat agenda is the capital campaign training session with Brian Batemen and updating the Strategic Plan. It was suggested by Cecily that the Board break it up into a 2 day retreat with shorter sessions. The dates of August 27 and August 28 were considered. The Board tabled the decision, looking on it as a recommendation. Debra questioned staff availability and time commitment issues. Item moved to the June agenda for finalization/action.

Three 3 Year term Board seats are up for election. Michael Wyman is running for re-election, John Barrett and Becky Birk are also running. Two of the (new) candidates were in the audience and Andrew Agnew asked them to speak to the Board about their interest in being on the Board. John Barrett is an attorney who works here in Tucson. He went to graduate school at the U of A and got his degree in Environmental Law at UVM. He has two kids and has been a big fan of KXCI for many years.

Becky Birk has lived in Tucson for 12 years and has spent 25 years in Arizona. She is originally from Nashville, Tennessee. She enjoys volunteering. She is the Treasurer for the Tucson Kitchen Musicians Association (TKMA) and a self-employed bookkeeper. She has also served on the Board of the Desert Bluegrass Association in the past as Treasurer.

f) Election Andrew Agnew reported that of 2,356 members 402 requested e-votes vs the 381 last year. Andrew questioned why there was not much of an increase. Randy said he cleaned up the list and eliminated some names.

g) Strategic Plan Implementation Mary Beth had nothing to report. The Strategic Plan will be dealt with in depth at the August meeting.

h) CAB Development Jamie reported that she was trying to schedule a meeting.

i) Technology Marc Goodman reported that the terrestrial subcommittee met. They went over the history of the current situation on Mount Bigelow where we have limited wattage (340 watts) due to the height of the tower on the mountain. In a very productive meeting various options were discussed. 1) Renegotiating our contract with American Tower. Gregory Sweet has joined the committee and has a lot of experience in this area. He thought that the rate of increase we have to pay on the lease is 2x what it should be and recommended that we document all issues with the tower with an eye towards renegotiating a more favorable contract in a different location. There are short term and long term issues. The contract expires in 2020. There is a tower being built on Tumamoc but that is already being contested legally. Marc said he would send out the full report/minutes of the meeting to the Board. Mary Beth warmly complimented the Committee on their progress in this area. Jason reported on the Web component of the Tech Committee. He has met with the Moyer group and is moving forward with the website redesign. Digitizing station operations will move forward after the capital campaign kicks off.

V. Volunteer Representative Report Amanda reported that KXCI is having lots of volunteers show up at events. Jason is doing a great job working with volunteers. There will be another volunteer orientation in the middle of June, which is a prerequisite for DJ and volunteer work.

VI. GM Report Amanda reported for Randy as he was out of town. A mailing effort to get new members through DEI resulted in 44 new members. KXCI was nominated for a Lumie award. The Lumies will happen June 9th at El Casino Ballroom. Randy was also nominated for Goodman’s Good Guy. Randy is a pre- finalist. If he wins he will get an office makeover worth $20,000. He was also nominated for the Arizona Daily Star’s “40 under 40.”

Debra expressed a concern about the timeliness of the minutes for February as they were not posted to the website and also the waste/cost of paper printing of the minutes. She suggested Board members read the minutes prior to meetings and print them at their own cost.

VII. New Business Jamie offered a new meeting space for the Board in her new offices at 57 E. Jackson.

IIX. Call To Audience No response from the audience. IX. Executive Session No need for executive session.,

X. Adjournment Mary Beth moved to adjourn the meeting, Susan moved, Lois seconded, meeting was adjourned.


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