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BOD Minutes June 2021


KXCI Board June 2021 Minutes

Foundation for Creative Broadcasting dba

KXCI Community Radio Board of Directors Meeting

June 24, 2021, 5:15 pm

Location: Conference Call

Call to Order & Attendance:

President Kristi Lloyd called the meeting called to order at 5:19 p.m. via


Board of Directors Members Present:

Kristi Lloyd, President

Zack Jarret, Vice President

Paul Chandler, Treasurer

Diane Shifflett, Secretary

Ally Baehr

Gwen Hernandez

Ernesto “Neto” Portillo Jr.

Ellie Patterson

Monty Vance

Adam Weinstein

David Gallaher

Yissel Salafsky

Mission Moment: Kristi Lloyd read the KXCI Mission Statement: KXCI’s

Mission is to connect the communities of Tucson and S AZ to each other

and the world ….

Motion to accept April minutes made by Dave seconded by Paul. Passed

unanimously. There was no meeting in May due to lack of quorum.

Treasurer’s Report: Paul reported on April and May. The PPP loan was

forgiven, so balance sheet trends reflect liability has dropped to approximately $40,000. Ratio of liabilities to assets is currently 31:1. Income this year is higher than expected — tremendous community support and a few small grants.

Finance Committee: Met in April. Cathy updated the committee on March financial campaign. Passed a resolution to remove Cathy and add Elva, Paul, and Duncan as signers on the BBVA account, along with Dun[1]can. Monty will present the draft investment policy in late summer/early fall.

Search Committee: Paul said there were approximately 33 initial applicants. Within two or three weeks the search for an Executive Director may be complete.

Governance Committee: Ally presented a slate of officers for the next board year:

Yissel Salafsky—President

Diane Shifflett — Vice President

Paul Chandler — Treasurer

Ellie Patterson— Secretary

Monty moved to accept the slate; Zack seconded. Passed unanimously.

Kristi reminded all board members to be current members and to give financially to the organization in order to have 100 percent board giving. Ally said a draft process for bringing new board members is under consideration. Ally discussed the revamping of the bylaws that includes the update that requires 2/3 of the members’ approval to remove a problematic initiative power that could leave the station vulnerable to an outside group assuming control of the station. For the purpose of removing this initiative, the board has worked to define “member” in order to conduct the vote.

Once the initiative power is removed, the word “member” will be removed from the bylaws. Future definition of a member or membership for fundraising purposes will be the purview of the Executive Director and that’ person’ team. A draft communication for members has been shared with the governance committee and is on hold until the new ED is select[1]ed. Support from staff will be needed to help identify those who are members as defined by the current bylaws. Elva asked that next governance committee meeting includes staff leadership (Amanda, Duncan, Elva) as staff weren’t involved in discussions regarding the bylaws of the board of directors. Kristi said committee chairs will be reconsidered in August.

Monty said he would like to see Development meet again to work on the endowment, grants, large donations and planned giving.

Marketing Committee: Committee voted on a design Peniel Massias drew in a collaboration with PopCycle. El Tour de Tucson may have a formal KXCI group and will be meeting on that specifically. Hannah has joined the committee. Gwen will step down from chair position, and Diane will become the chair of marketing.

Community Advisory Board (CAB): Fernando shared some results from a media consumption survey targeting younger people: 92 percent use streaming such as Spotify, 69 percent choose radio. Only 28 percent listen

to KXCI. This will be discussed at the next CAB meeting. Of importance to survey respondents: hearing a voice on the air that reflects them or their culture. June 30 is next meeting.

Where Do We Live: Plan for air conditioning (HVAC) approved. Paul said Cathy, Amanda and Paul met with Tom Brown, HVAC engineer and longtime member of KXCI. His father had 30-foot antennae to pick up KXCI

in the late 80s! May be two weeks before plan is ready for review and re[1]quest for proposals (RFP). May be able to start construction mid-June or


Executive Director Report: Elva de la Torres thanked the outgoing board members for their work and Kristi’s leadership during Covid. Elva highlighted a few items: Staff are always working hard in development, particularly Amanda and Duncan making contacts. Underwriting seems to be coming back. New employee is training with Leah. Saturday had Juneteenth programming, lot of coordination on the staff side. Elva will host

Your Morning Brew on Stonewall Day. Studio 1A is now being used for live broadcasting. Duncan, Amanda, and Elva meeting each week to figure out how to get DJs back into the studio and Congress. (Unable to broadcast from Congress due to a new building on 5th). On the verge of Congress coming back! Six camps, partners with Bookmans and Mini Time Machine, going great. HVAC options have been considered. It’s going to take longer than expected – maybe late in the year. Elva now knows how to do payroll.

Amanda zoomed in from the Hotel Congress studio!

Call to the Audience: Kristi invited guests to unmute. George said hello on Elva’s phone. David said he enjoyed the board meeting. Duncan greeting the board. Fernando said it was great to see the board members. Dominic Castelli (on air DJ) said he liked checking in on board happenings, and said he liked producing remotely.

Duncan thanked Kristi and the outgoing board members. Kristi thanked outgoing board members Zack, Ally and Dave.

Motion to go into Executive Session made by Neto, seconded by Dave. Motion passes unanimously.

Motion to provide Cathy Rivers with one month’s salary as a bonus made by Paul, seconded by Gwen. Discussion ensues. Motion passes. with 4 yes, 3 opposed and 1 abstention.

Paul thanked Kristi, Ellie, Zack, and Dave for their board work. Discussion for a possible board get-together.

Motion to adjourn made by Gwen, seconded by Zack. Meeting adjourned at 7:47 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Diane Shifflett, Secretary

June 28, 2021


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