BOD Minutes June 2014
KXCI Board of Directors Annual Board Meeting Minutes
Thursday, June 19, 2014 5:45pm
Maker House, 283 N. Stone Ave., Tucson
I. Call to Order Meeting called to order by Katie Rogerson @ 5:45 p.m.
II. Attendance Present: Katie Rogerson, Steve Itkin, Laura Reese, Gene Armstrong, Jennie Grabel, Jeff Zabel, Tony Ford, Mary Beth Haralovich, Jim D’Antonio, Bill Poorten, Keith Kanzler, Becky Birk. Excused: David Curl, Michael Wyman
III. Seat Elected and Appointed Board Members:
Seat newly elected board members: Jamie Manser, Gene Armstrong, Elva De La Torre.
Report on member vote re: bylaw change: Tony Ford moved to adopt bylaw change. Seconded and adoption unanimously approved by board.
Appoint Bill Poorten and Greg Rogan. Discussion by board. Steve Itkin moved to appoint Bill. Seconded by Katie Rogerson and unanimously approved by board. Steve moved to appoint Greg. Seconded by Bill Poorten and unanimously approved by board.
Acknowledged service of departing board member Becky and Michael.
IV. Election of Officers
Tony moves to open nominations for President. Steve Itkin nominates Katie Rogerson. Katie Rogerson accepts. Gene Armstrong moves to close nominations. Tony Ford moves to elect Katie Rogerson. Seconded by Keith Kanzler and unanimously approved by board.
Bill Poorten moves to open nominations for VP. Keith Kanzler nominates Steve Itkin. Seconded by Bill Poorten. Steve accepts. Tony Ford moves to close nominations. Jamie Manser moves to elect Steve Itkin. Seconded by Tony Ford and unanimously approve by board.
Mary Beth moves to open nomination for Treasurer. Steve Itkin nominates Bill Poorten. Bill accepts. Tony Ford moves to close nominations. Katie Rogerson moves to elect Bill Poorten. Seconded by Steve Itkin and unanimously approved by board.
Tony moves to open nominations for Secretary. Jennie Grabel nominates Laura Reese. Laura accepts. Bill Poorten moves to close nominations. Mary Beth Haralovich moves to elect Laura Reese. Seconded by Gene Armstrong and unanimously approved by board.
V. Mission Moment:
Mary Beth Haralovich talks about how KXCI is not only music, but the fabric of our community.
VI. Capital Campaign Update:
Keith Kanzler talks about the match campaign being in progress. BOD encouraged to record testimonies on air. Successful Access Tucson event with Calexico and Matt Milner discussed.
VII. Consent Agenda: After explanation of process to new board members, all items approved. Jennie Grabel requested a Financial 101 at each meeting. Will be discussed at board retreat.
VIII. Action Items – none
IX. Strategic Discussion Items
1) Honorary and Emeritus Boards – Mary Beth and Katie provided a draft. Elva and Jennie volunteer to polish the draft and structure. Email suggestions to Steve Itkin.
2) GM Review Policy- Steve Itkin explained GM review process to new BOD. Steve Itkin moves to discuss the policy. Seconded by Jennie. Discussion by the BOD.
X. New Business- Bill Poorten asks about electing a new volunteer rep. Nominations due on Monday with elections in July. Introductions made to new BOD members.
XI. Call to Audience- Veronica (CAB) and Laut (volunteer) were introduced to BOD.
XII. Board Credo- Katie Rogerson presented.
XIII. Meeting Self-Assessment led by Randy
XIV. Adjournment at 6:40p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Laura Reese, Secretary of the Board