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BOD Minutes June 2011


KXCI Board of Directors Annual Meeting Minutes Thursday, June 16, 2011 5:45 PM
National Institute for Civil Discourse, 57 East Jackson, Tucson

I. Call to Order Meeting called to order by Mary Beth at 5:51pm.

II. Attendance

Present: Mary Beth Haralovich, Jamie Manser, Susan Banes, Andrew Agnew, David Davis, Marc Goodman, Lois Grushka, Ernesto Portillo Jr., Katie Rogerson (left at 6:31pm), and Michael T. Wyman.

Absent: Cecily Crebbs, Keith Kanzler, Debra Rodriguez, and Hardy Smith were excused. Vance Sanders is also absent.

Mary Beth welcomed Ernesto Portillo Jr. to the Board as the newly elected Volunteer Representative and thanked Anne Shivers for her service in that role.

III. Review and Adopt May 2011 Minutes

The Board reviewed the minutes from May’s meeting. David moved to approve the minutes, Katie seconded. Motion carried.

IV. Certification of Annual Election Results/Seating of New Members

Andrew reported on election results. A total of 293 ballots were returned and 284 were able to be validated, more than the 10% of members needed. Michael T. Wyman (274 votes) was re-elected to a second term, and John Barrett (256) and Becky Birk (274) were elected to the Board. Three write-in votes were received. Katie moved to accept the election results and seat the new members, Jamie seconded. Motion carried.

Susan spoke as a departing board member. Mary Beth thanked Susan for her professionalism and for laying the foundation for continued board success. Susan offered to assist with the August board orientation. Mary Beth presented Susan with a plaque marking her years of service to the Board. Randy will deliver similar plaques to Anne and Vance.

V. Officer Elections for 2011-2012

Mary Beth nominated herself to serve a second term as President, seconded by Katie. Hearing no other nominations, Katie moved to close nominations, seconded by Ernesto. Motion carried. Mary Beth elected unanimously as President.

Mary Beth nominated Jamie to serve a second term as Vice President, seconded by Lois. Hearing no other nominations, Katie moved to close nominations, seconded by Ernesto. Motion carried. Jamie elected unanimously as Vice President.

Jamie nominated Lois to serve as treasurer, Lois declined but would be willing to continue on the finance committee. After a discussion by the board, Ernesto nominated David to serve as treasurer, seconded by Katie. Hearing no other nominations, Katie moved to close nominations, seconded by Andrew. Motion carried. David elected unanimously as Treasurer.

Mary Beth nominated Keith to serve as secretary, seconded by Lois. Hearing no other nominations, Katie moved to close nominations, seconded by David. Motion carried. Keith elected unanimously as Secretary.

VI. Committee Reports

Development: The committee met and discussed case statements for the capital campaign. Mary Beth added that she got new inspiration from attending the NFCB conference. Debra and Brian Bateman would like to conduct a 4-hour board training, likely in October. At the retreat the discussion will focus on the capital campaign and its various planks. Lois asked how the mortgage retirement fits in with those planks. Katie added that the capital campaign is now designed to be a bigger, multi-year campaign.

Finance: May was a good month, with an actual loss lower than projected. The net cash aspect of underwriting revenue was discussed; the year-to-date in that area is better than budget. The finance committee requested that Randy examine budget lines #48000 and #77000 and report on specifically what items are included in those areas.

Bylaws: No report. Personnel: No report.

Board Development: Mary Beth discussed the outline for the board retreat, which was set for August 27th from 9am to 3pm. Retreat areas include finance, technology, community engagement, a strategic plan update and committee assignments. Mary Beth also discussed the meeting held at the NFCB with an engineer and Mary Beth, Amanda and Randy.

Strategic Plan Implementation: This will be a topic at the board retreat. CAB Development: The CAB next meets on June 23rd at KXCI.

Technology: Marc reported that KXCI volunteer Gregory Sweet is reviewing our 20-year tower lease. Amanda Shauger reported further on the meeting with the engineer at the NFCB conference. Jason Repko reported that he is making progress on the website upgrade and is currently waiting on bids for service.

VII. Volunteer Representative Report

Ernesto introduced himself as the new Volunteer Representative. He has been a volunteer at KXCI for 11 years and is excited about the prospect of representing volunteer concerns at the board level.

IIX. GM Report

Randy announced that KXCI has been chosen as one of the ten finalists in the Goodmans Eye for the Good Guy contest, where one non-profit wins a $20,000 office makeover after an online vote and judging by a 5-member panel.

IX. New Business: None
X. Call To Audience: None
XI. Executive Session: Not needed.
XII. Adjournment
Meeting adjourned by acclamation at 6:59pm. The board next meets August 18th.

Submitted by Randy Peterson, acting secretary


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