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BOD Minutes February 2012


KXCI Board of Dirctors Meeting Minutes Thursday, February 13, 2012 5:49pm Louise Marshal Building, Room 211 845 North Park Avenue, Tucson


I. Call to Order

Meeting called to order by Mary Beth @ 5:47

II. Attendance

Present: Mary Beth Haralovich, Jamie Manser, David Davis, Keith Kanzler, John Barrett, Marc Goodman, Lois Grushka, Katie Rogerson, Hardy Smith
Absent: Andrew Agnew, Becky Birk, Cecily Crebbs, Ernesto Portillo Jr., Debra Rodriguez, and Michael Wyman. All excused.

III. Review and adoption of October 2011 Minutes.

Minutes approved. David apologizes for in advance in reference to having a lesser focus on grant issues in report given. Katie requests that minutes be in place within 2 weeks of scheduled BOD meeting. Secretary states that every effort would be made to do so.

IV. CommitteeReports
Development: The development committee did not formally meet, but Randy and Amanda Shauger report that they have met with a fundraising agency – Smith and Dale – regarding the creation of a capital campaign. There will be a presentation of their proposal at the next Finance/Executive Committee meeting set for March 13 @ 5:30pm. All encouraged to participate. Discussion held re: status of the Wealth Screening process and the associated advantages of the opportunities this creates. Planned legacy options discussed
Finance: David reviews financial statements, including budget and expense detail reports. He advises that while last month report addressed 3 months worth of history, he will now compare current numbers with the end of the fiscal year. In general, the assets are improved and the budget vs actual reviewed. The audit report discussed as related to its importance when seeking new grants and revenue sources. The report will address areas that need improvement. Randy advises that the final $45,000 payment from the latest CPB grant will be released in the near future. .

Bylaws: No changes reported.

Personnel: Randy reports that the job description for Amanda has been created and hopes to have it ready to submit at next meeting.

Board Development: Katie reports that BOD job description has been created with drafts handed out to those present. Will likely send copies to Bylaw committee to be vetted. Discussion around signing statement to be included on this description, primarily for prospective new members during appointment process. New members will likely come from referrals or via PSA’s that are currently in place. Board Development committee will be responsible for review of applications and then bring recommendations before the board for approval. Board member obligations and liability issues discussed. Randy advises that current insurance coverage is “more than adequate” to cover personal liability issues, related to station management, of any member of the BOD at this time. The committee then recommends that Jeffrey Zabel be appointed to the Board for a 3 year term beginning in March 2012. The motion is so moved and Jeffery placed on the Finance and Technology committees and advised of the meeting times for both. It is also recommended that Mary Beth be reappointed to another 3 year term beginning in March. This is also so moved with all agreeing and none opposed.

Elections: Andrew Agnew passed copies of election schedule. committee continues to work on agreeing on calendar to use. Will attempt to solidify schedule by February. He advises that he will not be seeking re‐election once term ends this cycle.

Strategic Plan: Mary Beth reports that process continues to move forward with the same plan for revisions. Much of the movement will be based on progress with Booster which continues to be very positive.

CAB Development: The committee met last month and had a productive meet and greet wit 10 potential candidates who filed paperwork. List of appointments given with 6 one year and 6 two year terms, including Krista Niles (re‐appointment), Mia Schnailble (re‐ appointment), Alex Foor, James Mills, Keith Pawlak, and Jeramy Clarke to one year terms, and Robin Parker, Ron Austin, Veronica Phillips, Kathy Burdick, Doug Glasson and Jill bishop to 2 year terms. Dicsussion held regarding placement process and whether it is totally a BOD decision or just up to the president. Will review further during April meeting.

Technology: Mary Beth thanks Amanda for her leading efforts in meeting with engineers, consultants, and county IT reps regarding the establishment of a booster antenna on a county building downtown. Amanda reported on the process and the issues involved at this time. Discussion held regarding the costs and technical issues involved in the process.







Volunteer Representative

It is reported that Ernesto was injured in a bicycle accident and was doing ok. Randy advised that he continues to cover any issues that arise.

GM Report

Randy reviews written report distributed to all and reminds all that the drive is coming up and volunteers needed for phones, pitching, etc, and especially during the Power Hour. He also advises that the station is amongst the finalist for an arts award through the governors office.

New Business

None noted.

Call to Audience

Steve and Michelle introduced themselves to the board, advising that they were applying for board membership. Both expressed that they were big advocates and long time listeners of the station.

Executive Session: None

Adjournment: by acclimation @ 7:30 pm

Respectfully submitted, Keith Kanzler


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