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BOD Minutes August 2021


2021 – 8 KXCI Board August 2021 Minutes 

Foundation for Creative Broadcasting dba
KXCI Community Radio Board of Directors Meeting
August 26, 2021 5:15 pm
Location: Zoom Meeting

Call to Order & Attendance: 
Meeting called to order at 5:18 p.m.

Board of Directors Members Present:

Yissel Salafsky, President
Diane Shifflett, Vice President
Paul Chandler, Treasurer
Ellie Patterson, Secretary
Gwen Hernandez
Neto Portillo
Monty Vance
Adam Weinstein
Rachel Abraham, CAB representative
Fernando Gonzales, CAB representative

Motion to accept July 16, 2021 minutes made by Paul, seconded by Neto. Passed unanimously.

Strategic Board Recruitment: President Yissel emphasized the need to establish a process on board recruitment and that this should be an important part of the upcoming retreat. She thanked Amanda retrieving helpful documents from the past on candidate applications. Yissel also had application examples from other non-profit boards that had been given to her. She welcomed board members’ ideas on making the board recruitment a key component of the retreat.  Diane thought it would be helpful to go through existing documents and update them or identify what is obsolete at this point in order to get the process started.  Paul related his experience and the process as a new board applicant when he was being considered for a board position and suggested that we take bits and pieces from the existing documents and process used to apply now as a starting point.  Yissel mentioned that Jill Bishop was being considered as a board member when she spoke with past president, Kristi Lloyd, and that Jill had been a former Board member and would have likely been added to the board had Covid not happened.  Yissel met with Jill recently and explained the current situation and that the ED search had taken precedence. Paul suggested that a get-together be planned so all board members can meet Jill informally and then take the next step to get her on the board.  Monty mentioned that Jill was first suggested over a year ago and the board members she had spoken with are no longer on the board. Monty felt that the process to invite Jill to become a board member should be done soon. Yissel asked the board members if they felt comfortable meeting with Jill before the September meeting so that she could attend the retreat should she be voted on to become a board member at the September meeting. Paul felt that we shouldn’t delay with Jill’s process and that most board members felt positive about the addition of Jill on the board.

ED Elva weighed in on the importance of a standardized document for an application and that expectations, commitment, participation, giving/getting, etc. should be in writing. Anyone coming on the board at this point including Jill should complete a standardized application. Elva felt there should be a comprehensive application process involved not just a statement of intent. Diane said we delayed the retreat from August to October and one would hope that a new board member could be part of the retreat process as part of the onboarding process. If not, then the development of the process at the board retreat may delay us a year in bringing on new board members and implementing the cycle of new starts for board members. Yissell felt there was a way to meet in the middle and agreed with both Elva and Diane on their views.

Yissell asked if we could come together with an application and let Jill know that a standardized application is being worked on. Diane would like Jill to be voted on at the September meeting so onboarding could take place at the retreat. Paul and Gwen both suggested that we use parts of the self-nominated form and Paul asked for volunteers to help with the rewriting of the application for the current situation and to have it done by the end of next week. Monty and Diane both agreed to help with the rewrite along with Elva. Yissel asked if the application would include a DEI component and asked Gwen for her input. Yissel will review the application along with Paul. Paul circled back and suggested an informal meeting with Jill before the next board meeting. Monty agreed to plan the social gathering soon so all board members could meet Jill. 

Committee Assessments:

Yissel commented on the Committee Assessments and what needs to be focused on now. On governance, the majority of board members should all be part of governance and that will be discussed at the retreat. Yissel shared that in her experience on boards, Governance, Finance and Development committees always exist and they are essential and then anything else can be considered extra. The Where Do We Live Committee was ad hoc, and marketing could be folded into development since KXCI has a marketing team. Diane feels that every one of us is responsible for finances of the station and with our small number of board members currently, she proposed that all board members be on the essential committees. Work groups could then be assigned for specific tasks. Yissel suggested that the proposal Diane put forward be on the retreat agenda.

Paul will send out invitations of finance committee to all board members.


Rachel Abraham and Fernando Gonzales reported on the music consumption survey that was run to poll University listeners. The goal was to gauge where young listeners are consuming their music and what kind of music they listen to so KXCI can best serve them.

They received a survey response with 74 participants. 29 of those respondents listened to KXCI. Many young people who hadn’t heard of KXCI completed the survey. 67% are under the age of 30. 66% of listeners identify with BIPOC community. 71% of listeners wanted the voice on the air to match their own. Rachel commented that this response was a powerful message.  For younger respondents, 18-24, 10 said they listen to KXCI and 36 said they don’t listen to KXCI. Younger population tend to not tune into a radio station but use streaming services like Spotify.

There will be a full report in the future. Yissel thanked Rachel and Fernando for their hard work and being part of the CAB and then asked if a survey like this has been done in the past. Elva said the last survey conducted was in 2017 or 2018. It went out to current audience. Elva also thanked Rachel and Fernando for their work.


Yissell thanked Diane for her work on putting together topics for the retreat and finding a date and location. Yissel thanked Adam for providing the location. Diane reported that the retreat starts at 10:00 am until 3:00 pm on October 16 with lunch included. Location is Mercado San Agustin. A draft agenda will be sent out and board members were asked to provide topics for the agenda they felt were important.

Treasurer’s Report:

Paul reviewed the financial reports for June and July. Both months showed a decrease in our asset position on the balance sheet by about 47k in June and about 31k in July, due to the normal cyclical up and down in the months after a financial campaign. There was a drop in liabilities of about 4k in June and an increase of about 1k in July indicating stable spending.

The statement of activities showed a posting of $20,145 in membership/donations and $11,274 in underwriting. July showed a similar amount in donations and an increase in underwriting of $13,555.

Income for the year was 137% greater than expected. The second largest category of income this year was the unrestricted grants at 251% greater than projected owing much to the federal programs like the Cares Act and America Rescue plan. Expenses were 104% of what was expected so Paul concluded that we were “right on the money.”

Finance Report:

KXCI has moved their banking from BBVA Compass Bank to Vantage West Credit Union. The Endowment fund target of investments at CFSA has been upgraded to include a higher percentage of equity funds that may yield a better return on investments. We had a 12% return this past year. The budget for the next fiscal year will be presented for approval at October’s board meeting.

Executive Director Report:

ED Elva reviewed the following categories/headings with the board and invited members to ask questions at any time:  

  • Personnel-Cheron Taylor is now working at the Rialto; candidates for Elva’s former position (Director of Education and Community Engagement) are being interviewed; two other positions are being created, one to support the music dept. and the other to support back-end office work and other administrative work; Elva contacted 2 local consultants for DEI for staff.
  • Financial Mgt.-Elva proposed a move to Vantage West and is pleased with their service and website. Paul has been very helpful in the move. Budget will be presented at October meeting. Elva trained a volunteer to assist with back office work including check deposits.
  • Fund Development-*June/July underwriting was good with a total of $32,929, and August numbers include new clients; Fall drive starts 9/7 and ends 9/18 and the same target of 50k will be kept; staff is very lean with 5 FT and 2 PT and we are going into the campaign with a small team and anticipated long hours.  This will be a hybrid campaign and creative videos will be used including spotlighting the DJs; received a stock donation that could be 10k; received an estate which sold late July and it should be a substantial donation; Elva contracted with a local grant writer group and submitted a Federal National Endowment for the Arts Grant with a potential 100k grant over 2 years, (part of the American Rescue Plan.)
  • Programming-more than 2/3 of DJs are back live in studio and rotating system is working well. Some shows will stay in automation; KXCI Presents! is now sponsoring live performances again.
  • Community-working on promotional materials such as buttons and stickers, postcards as we get back in the community and one of those events is Tucson Young Professionals at MOCA and Hannah will be featured as the DJ, there is also a UA event called Lifehack for incoming students and we will be putting promotional materials in student bags that will be given out; El Tour may happen.
  • Operations-purchased a much needed new phone system; working with getting quotes for roof repair; re: HVAC, engineers came out to look at electrical capacity and report should be received within 30 days.

Paul asked if program director is on the list to fill. Elva responded that Duncan is working on this and may take on both roles. Elva said there needs to be support in the music dept. and this is being addressed. Yissel asked the date of the MOCA event and the date is 9/24.

Call to the Audience: Amanda is at the studio and greeted everyone.

Motion to adjourn made by Paul, seconded by Monty. Meeting adjourned at 6:41 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Ellie Patterson, Secretary

September 7, 2021

MSA Annex
Jim Hannley
Gila River Arena
A Nice World
Deployed Services
Food Co-op
Merchant’s Garden
Good Oak for Classic Pick
Brannon Group
4th Ave Merchants


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