KXCI Board of Directors Meeting Minutes Thursday, August 18, 2011 5:45 PM
KXCI Offices, 220 South Fourth Avenue, Tucson
I. Call to Order Meeting called to order by Mary Beth at 5:51pm.
II. Attendance
Present: Mary Beth Haralovich, David Davis, Keith Kanzler (6:03pm), Andrew Agnew, John Barrett, Cecily Crebbs, Marc Goodman, Lois Grushka, Ernesto Portillo Jr., Debra Rodriguez, Katie Rogerson, and Hardy Smith.
Absent: Jamie Manser, Becky Birk, Michael Wyman (all excused),
III. Review and Adopt June 2011 Minutes
The Board reviewed the minutes from June’s meeting. Katie moved to approve the minutes, Cecily seconded. Motion carried.
IV. Committee Reports
Development: Committee continues to meet and discuss nature of planks that will be addressed in capital campaign. Wealth screening not done as yet and it is undetermined as to when this might happen. Amanda has agreed to run some lists for the development committee to review and make thank you calls. List must be kept confidential due to donor privacy.
Will be arranging training to be facilitated by Brian Bateman in October to put finishing touches on development plan and learn basics of solicitation and cultivation.
President of BOD and chair of development committee will meet with each board member to determine and identify roles re: fundraising and development.
Finance: David advises that we are in good position. The reports were reviewed and budget issues discussed. A final draft budget will be presented for approval at the October Board meeting.
Bylaws: Hardy reports that there has been no activity in this area.
Personnel: Now that Jason is leaving, his position might be split into two separate positions. The current staff will be filling in for now. It was determined that an exit interview with Jason would be conducted, to include Hardy and the
executive committee. Ernesto requested to be present during the exit interview as well. Lois asked how information would be captured/used/shared for future reference. Issues around confidentiality were discussed, which will be considered by participants in the interview process.
Board Development: Katie reports that there has been no issue or change. The annual Board Retreat and schedule was discussed, including Strategic Plan priorities and committee selections.
Elections: Nothing new to report in this area.
Strategic Plan Implementations: Mary Beth reported that the Technology Committee is addressing the issues and shaping priorities based on the current plan.
CAB Development: Debra reported that the CAB met last week and reviewed the Quarterly Issues Programming report and PSA report. They are looking for more members. The Board discussed CAB recruitment issues. It was suggested that on-air announcements be run to recruit more members to the CAB; Randy advised that in his opinion this was a bad idea. Cecily Crebbs added that this opinion was like based on specific past experiences and that efforts should be made to advocate for diversity of opinions. Amanda advised that the CAB has a feedback project planned for the KXCI booth at Tucson Meet Yourself. Discussion was held as creating a structure/purpose for the CAB. Debra and Hardy both volunteered to serve on the CAB Development committee.
Technology: Reviewed the state of the website redesign. Marc reported that the last bid received will likely be accepted. The August tech meeting went well, focusing on terrestrial broadcast issues. Amanda presented photos of the broadcast area and reported on ideas shared by the engineers currently working on the issue for us. Their thoughts will be more fully developed and then added to our plank in the capital campaign. The tech committee also reviewed Gregory Sweet’s report regarding our tower lease. It was agreed to further examine this issue at the board retreat.
V. Volunteer Representative
Ernesto is new to the position. He will work with staff to schedule both a volunteer meeting and a volunteer appreciation party.
VI. GM Report
Randy reported that the station continues to do much better than expected in most areas of revenue and cost control. The drive starts in September and for the
first time we will be doing a “Power Hour” to hopefully raise $10,000 in one hour. September and October are very busy months for events and outreach.
VII. New Business: none
IIX. Call To Audience: no comments
IX. Executive Session: none held
X. Adjournment by acclamation at 7:03pm.
Respectfully submitted, Keith Kanzler, BOD Secretary