2021 – 4 KXCI Board April 2021 Minutes
Foundation for Creative Broadcasting dba
KXCI Community Radio Board of Directors Meeting
April 29, 2021 5:15 pm
Location: Conference Call
Call to Order & Attendance:
President Kristi Lloyd called the meeting called to order at 5:18 p.m. via Zoom
Board of Directors Members Present:
Kristi Lloyd, President
Zack Jarret, Vice President
Paul Chandler, Treasurer
Diane Shifflett, Secretary
Ally Baehr
Gwen Hernandez
Ernesto “Neto” Portillo Jr.
Ellie Patterson
Monty Vance
Adam Weinstein
David Gallaher
Yissel Salafsky
Mission Moment: Duncan played Christopher Costin’s 3rd grade class at Northwest Tucson Legacy Traditional “You” on the Morning Mix and Ally said it made her cry.
Motion to accept March minutes made by Ally seconded by Paul. Passed unanimously.
Treasurer’s Report: Paul said KXCI received three significant grants in March which boosts cash/asset value. Still carrying the $91,000 liability for the PPP. Paperwork submitted to forgive that liability/loan. Underwriting activity is increasing.
Finance Committee: Met and reviewed March reports, discussed overall investment policy and Community Foundation investment, including socially responsible investments. Monty will start drafting an investment policy that covers the current endowment fund and any future investments.
Search Committee: Paul said the Search Committee has been meeting twice a week to organize the search for a new executive director. They have hired a search consultant and hosted focus groups of board, staff and volunteers. Updated job description to include equity, inclusivity and diversity. A draft job announcement may be ready to release next week. Crafting an interim plan for operating station after June. Kristi said anyone who wants to be part of the conversation is welcome to be included in the process.
Governance Committee: Ally said board recruitment is a priority, as four board members will be leaving the board. Searching for diverse, dedicated board members. Next steps of bylaws in process, for a vote to members regarding removing the initiative power. Kristi spoke to defining the board member onboarding process.
Marketing Committee: Gwen said bumper sticker with Will Taylor art will be sent along with thank you notes to donors; in fall 2021 there will be a new t-shirt design through the partnership with PopCycle; Diane and Leah are working on the possibility of billboard ads in Tucson; Amanda proposed participating in El Tour de Tucson; also, in preparation for 40 years anniversary, considering a book with history of KXCI including previous logos and art. Send facts, history, photos to be included in the book to Gwen. Kristi suggested a subcommittee devoted to the book be considered.
Community Advisory Board (CAB): Members invited to share thoughts about executive director search. CAB will be included once there are candidates to consider.
Where Do We Live: Plan for air conditioning (HVAC) approved. Paul said Cathy, Amanda and Paul met with Tom Brown, HVAC engineer and longtime member of KXCI. His father had a 30-foot antennae to pick up KXCI in the late 80s! May be two weeks before plan is ready for review and request for proposals (RFP). May be able to start construction mid-June or July.
Executive Director Report: Cathy Rivers said the PPP forgiveness is pending. KXCI received a $10,000 gift from Stonewall Foundation. Other grants received. Spring Campaign went well. Amanda is working on an estate donation with Dave Gallaher. FCC license renewal is upcoming. House has been painted! Elva created amazing Earth Day programming. Mini Time Machine and youth camp upcoming. LGBTQ programming, and successful spring break camp with MOCA. Save the Date for Fall Campaign in September.
Call to the Audience: Kristi invited guests to unmute. George said hello and that he is looking forward to getting back to the studios. Cheron said search committee should consider mentorship/sponsorship and how to cultivate people in the community for staff and board positions. Ally shared the matrix illustrating board member demographics and skill sets. Kristi invites everyone to reach out to potential staff and board members, or provide names and the search committee can take it from there. Duncan also met with Tom Brown, and said there’s a lot to consider regarding the HVAC system for health and safety of volunteers and staff. Bridgitte supports the Mini Time Museum collaboration, and was enthusiastic about remote recording and the campaign. “The Third Grade Class Song” referenced in the Mission Moment will be played on Friday at 2 p.m. Elva said Bridgitte did an amazing job with spring break camp with the youth (virtual). Amanda suggested the board matrix be updated to reflect current and future board. Rachel said hello — Paul thanked Rachel for playing Art Blakey.
Motion to go into Executive Session made by Monty,
seconded by Ellie. Motion passes unanimously.
Motion to adjourn made by Paul, seconded by Ally. Meeting adjourned at 6:54 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Diane Shifflett, Secretary
April 30, 2021