KXCI Board of Directors Meeting
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Child and Family Resources, 2800 East Broadway, Tucson DRAFT Minutes, Pending Approval
I. Call to Order at 5:30 pm by Hank Childers.
II. Attendance
Present: Hank Childers, Melanie Morrison, Susan Banes, Cecily Crebbs, Andrew Agnew, Marc Goodman, Lois Grushka, Mary Beth Haralovich, Keith Kanzler, Debra Rodriguez, Anne Shivers, Hardy Smith, Michael Wyman.
Absent: Jamie Manser (excused).
The next meeting is Thursday, May 20th at 5:30pm at Child and Family Resources.
III. Review and Adopt March 2010 minutes
Motion by Anne Shivers, seconded by Michael Wyman, to approve the March 2010 minutes as presented. Motion carried.
IV. Committee Reports
a) Bylaws
Hank reported that there is no report. Susan asked for clarification about whether Bylaws is a standing committee. Hank explained that Bylaws meets only when necessary. Bylaws remains an agenda item because it reminds us to be aware of the bylaws.
b) Finance
Susan led the discussion of the financial reports.
Looking at Report C and Report D next to each other, we can see that the month of March has a net income surplus of just under $70k. We had a negative variance of $7830, just slightly over 10% off of budget.
Randy spoke about underwriting for the month, the best month for underwriting revenue in the six months that KXCI has had Dave and Marie on the team. Underwriting revenues are 20% below budget, which is an improvement over previous periods.
Susan addressed income, which was $10,446 less than budget in March, and on a year- to-date basis, the station is $10,913 under budget, showing that revenues are holding steady for the year.
Year to date expenses are $8,635 less than budget and overall net income is only $2,278 less than budget.
Regarding the three-page annual budget, we built a break-even budget, so the YTD bottom line should stay close to zero. Months will have differences, but not YTD. Susan is very pleased with where station is right now.
Report E shows a net increase of $44K in cash. KXCI had $73K in the bank on March 31. We received the 2nd half of our CPB funds and, with the profits from the Calexico and Friends event, we should see nice cash report in April as well. Hank asked the amount of the CPB check. Randy answered, $44K.
Report A shows the balance sheet of current assets in checking and savings. There are two money market funds that were transferred into checking years ago. Randy is moving half of the checking funds into one money market account and merging the money market accounts into one. Details have been worked out for the necessary signatures so that Randy, as GM, can move funds around without penalties.
c) Board Development
Melanie reported that we have two potential candidates for BOD, David Davis and Miguel Ortega, and hopes to set up a luncheon with the candidates. Melanie will let everyone know and invite the BOD to attend. Michael asked how many open seats are on the BOD. Randy explained that KXCI BOD can have 19 members, so there are five open seats.
d) Personnel
Hardy reported that the Personnel Committee has to review the job descriptions. The Committee has the description for the GM position and will start. Michael asked about
the position description for Cathy Rivers’ vacancy. Randy will respond when he gives the GM report.
Susan suggested that BOD Committees have standing meetings, so that meetings are not dependent on the chair to arrange. Hank suggested we have all meetings at the station and reminded chairs to CC Randy when they set them up.
Hank noted that Randy’s GM performance review is outstanding and the Executive Committee needs to do that. Hank will complete the GM performance review before his term as President ends.
e) Election
Andrew reported that the Election Committee created a calendar for the BOD election. Randy posted the calendar on the KXCI website and announcements are already airing. Candidate statements will be played five times from mid-May to early June, throughout the program week. Ballots will be distributed sent on May 13. The deadline to vote is June 11. Ballot counting will take place June 14 or 15. The new BOD members will be seated at the annual meeting, which is June 17th.
Randy sent a mock electronic ballot to the BOD to see if the safeguards could be overridden. Andrew reported that Survey Monkey allowed only members to vote and to vote only once. Several BOD members commented that the ballot was easy to use. Randy credited Andrew for figuring out the quirks of the system.
Randy reported there will be an in-person candidate event at the next board meeting on May 20, a “meet n greet” to give the candidates a chance to introduce themselves and take a few questions.
Andrew reported that the PO Box for paper ballots is set up. The accountant will be arranged after April 15. Hank noted appreciation for the work of the Election Committee.
f) Development
Debra reported that the Development Committee is exploring two grants options with deadlines in the next couple of weeks. The next Development Committee meeting will be a calling party. We will call our 55 most loyal members (with regard to financial
contributions) just to thank them and offer a tour, to keep them engaged. The BOD should watch for an invitation to the calling party.
Anne Shivers invited the Development Committee to speak at the next volunteer meeting in May.
Susan asked who on the BOD attended the Calexico and Friends show. She encouraged the BOD to attend events and buy a ticket even if not going. We need to continue to address the stereotype that the BOD is not engaged and doesn’t know people at the station. We need to go for 100% BOD participation in events.
Debra noted how really cool and rewarding it is to take part in the pledge drive. Debra pitched on air with Ginger.
g) Strategic Plan Implementation
Mary Beth said there is no report as the committees are implementing the Strategic Plan.
h) CAB Development
Hank reported for Jamie. The next CAB meeting is in May. Randy said that the KXI quarterly report on public affairs programming would be ready. CAB reviews that report at their meeting. He is working to have all public affairs programmers contribute information to the report.
i) Technology
Terrestrial – Randy reported that Doug has contacted a Scottsdale engineer who will do the feasibility study at no cost. He expected to have a preliminary report by mid- summer
Website – create agenda for the BOD retreat in August … working session.
V. Volunteer Representative Report
Anne reported that the next volunteer quarterly meeting is Sunday May 16, 4:30-6:30 at the station. The BOD members are volunteers so are welcome to attend the meeting.
Anne invited the Development Committee to present at the May 16th meeting. She asked for other committees to come to the volunteer meeting, to explain what the committee does or to ask for input.
A new staff position is opening up (Programming and Volunteer Coordinator/Host of The Home Stretch). Two volunteers asked Anne to put the issue of female v. male candidates into the discussion. Cecily asked for elaboration. Anne will wait for Randy’s GM report to elaborate.
VI. GM Report
Randy notes that KXCI is in very good financial health. We will have $100K on hand with the receipt of second CPB grant and the dispersion of funds from the Calexico and Friends event, which netted about $12,300. The expenses would be less having it at the Rialto, but 2,000 people having fun will pay off for KXCI. We hope to do the event again next spring.
Thursday April 22 is the official commissioning ceremony for the solar panels, 5:00 to 7:00 pm on Earth Say, with official speeches at 5:30. Gifts will go to the first hundred people: solar powered community radio t-shirts, reusable bags, and more. The solar panels went operational on April 1 and have already reduced our C02 output. A monitor tells how many pounds are saved. On the sunniest days, the meter stops and spins backwards. Eventually, we will install a widget on the website to show what kilowatts are saved. Announcements on air started today.
Debra suggested that for a party like this, the BOD be pro-active and bring people are who are not members.
Randy reported that the return of downtown Saturday night will be rebranded as Second Saturdays. KXCI is the radio sponsor for the first event, May 8th, 6:00-10:00 PM. Jamie is in charge of music programming. Dave is in charge of print promotions and marketing. Melanie volunteered her street space on Congress Street. The city is trying to get 5,000 people downtown, from the Fox to the Rialto along Congress Street. The outdoor stage will be on Scott Avenue.
The Programming and Volunteer Coordinator/Host of the The Home Stretch position advertised nationally. We received 36 resumes. Randy, Duncan, and Amanda did four phone interviews, 2 men and 2 women, and brought a candidate in to interview. He was formally offered the position on Monday, but announced today that he is not going to take the KXCI job because his girlfriend was offered a great job in Austin.
Randy is beginning to think about starting the process over. Cathy will continue doing The Home Stretch until mid-May. The staff divided up her off-air duties.
Randy is considering hiring two part-time people, one who can do off-air and one on-air (depending on the final candidates).
Debra asked if the position was posted locally. Randy explained that intentionally did not post the position locally to bring in new blood and fresh ideas. He is considering posting locally and considering options for redistributing current staff responsibilities. In the summer, there is coverage for vacations and conference travel.
Amanda will attend the NFCB conference in June; Randy will attend the PRDMC conference in July.
Anne explained that, on the issue of voice gender balance, two people sent emails requesting that The Home Stretch DJ be a woman. Susan agrees with that and noted the need for diversity in recruiting new BOD members.
VII. New Business
There is no new business.
IIX. Call to Audience
Katie Rogerson attended to see how the BOD works. She is interested in submitting a nomination for BOD membership. She serves on TKMA BOD and thanked KXCI for being such an incredible community partner.
IX. Executive Session
There is no need for an Executive Session.
X. Adjournment
The meeting adjourned at 6:25.