There are lots of ways to stream KXCI but there doesn’t seem to be one streaming solution that works best on every player, every device, every operating system, every browser, etc. Hopefully one or more of these will work for you.
As of November 14, 2024, KXCI migrating to a new streaming service at
On our home page, we feature the Radio Rethink player because when you open it up on your phone or laptop it provides information about the song and program. It already automatically plays the new stream listed above.
Lots of people like to listen to KXCI via Tune In which now also points to When you ask your smart device to play KXCI, it frequently accesses KXCI via TuneIn. You can also listen to KXCI on Apple Music via TuneIn. TuneIn inserts ads that we have no control over and that we do not benefit from.
KXCI’s primary stream is now a 96 kbps AAC format, which is equivalent to a 160kpbs mp3 format. This is twice as good a quality as our previous stream.
For a world of radio fun, check out KXCI on or download the Radio Garden App.
Some folks like to listen via an m3u file. When you right click on that link you can download it to your computer and listen to it on the media player of your choice.
You may wish to listen via an XSPF file. You can read more about how to do that here.
Some folks have a home stereo system with internet radio such as V-Tuner. Our V-Tuner link is being updated- please check again for the new link.
Our playlisting service Spinitron has added a two-week archive of each music program episode at the top of every playlist for two weeks after its broadcast.