Fathoming Water Episode 8: Karilyn Roach
In this episode Karilyn Roach and I discuss how the Community Water Coalition works by bringing together a diverse group of members. The Coalition was formed in 2011 and Watershed Management Group who is one of the original members houses the offices of the Coalition. We discuss the impacts the organization has had as well as current projects. All the projects whether they be firming up municipal water service areas to environmental restoration are decided on by this diverse group, which means that each project has impacts for quality of life in the community, benefits for the environment, and benefits to the economy. We discuss what community means and where boundaries are drawn as well as why it is important to know more about water use in your community. Karilyn has lots of suggestions for how you as an individual can do your part whether through water conservation at home, volunteering for projects, or by donating. We discuss the failure of the recent bond package and how that impacts our water resources, living spaces and the Tucson economy as well. It gives us pause because the outcomes that would have resulted from the bonds being passed could have had benefits including additional mesquite bosque restoration along our valuable riparian areas, bringing additional natural flood control, more wildlife habitat, and recreational spaces for humans which means dollars from ecotourism. When we discuss why it is important for the general public to know more about water, the bonds are a perfect example of how not knowing about linkages between water and political economy can have on the ground consequences. Having a strong Community Water Coalition helps educate and bring together diverse groups that can have meaningful political, economic, and environmental impacts.
Karilyn Roach is Coordinator for the Community Water Coalition, and brings a passion for promoting sustainability and community building in a way that has direct impacts for human communities and the natural environment. The Coalition works to provide leadership and guidance toward water policy that sustains healthy ecosystems and quality of life and respects our diverse community values. Karilyn holds a MS in Urban Planning from of the University of Arizona and a BA in English Literature from San Francisco State University.