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Sylvester: LGBTQ+ & 1970s Disco w/ host Rachel Hoblitt

March 31, 2021
KXCI is excited to partner with the University of Arizona’s Institute for LGBTQ+ Studies on a fourth and final presentation highlighting LGBTQ+ artists, musicians, and musical eras. The engaging presentations have provided historical and contemporary descriptions and analysis of the various ways LGBTQ+ performers have succeeded in the music industry despite the many challenges faced by the community of artists and performers.
Topic: Sylvester. During the 1970s Disco era, LGBTQ+ musician Sylvester was able to succeed in the club scene and crossover into mainstream music paving the way for other LGBTQ+ performers.
Presenter Rachel Hoblitt  is a KXCI producer, Professor of Ethnomusicology at Pima Community College, and a Host of Jazz Sundae, which airs Sundays 12-3pm.
The event will be held online Thursday, April 15th at 5pm PST via Zoom, and is free and open to the public. Click here to register.


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