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Sycamores on a Gravelly Plain

December 15, 2024
Growing Native with Petey Mesquitey
Growing Native with Petey Mesquitey
Sycamores on a Gravelly Plain

I’ve written a lot of episodes about sycamore trees over the years. Below are some of the things I wrote for  those episodes.

“I could look at sycamores all day. They remind me of when I was a kid in Kentucky and the huge sycamores we climbed along the creeks back there. Some big ones were hollow and you could go in them! It was a different species…Platanus occidentalis…this one is P. wrightii.

“Sycamores are the genus Platanus, which was the old Greek name for the tree that is the species Platanus orientalis. There are five or six species found around the world, three spp. found in North America and just across the pesky border in northeastern Mexico is the beautiful Platanus mexicana…”

“Sycamore trees have swooping branches that seem to invite climbing. Many years ago in Aravaipa Canyon I climbed up onto a long branch that bent to the ground. As I climbed – okay crawled – upward, I turned around to see our dog Hoppy following me up into the tree. So, everyone thinks sycamores are good climbing trees.”

“I love these trees and could shoot photos of them all day and never seem to get it right. I like this one though. This is our Arizona sycamore, Platanus wrightii.”

The photos are mine.

Growing Native,   KXCI Community Radio,   Petey Mesquitey,   Platanus wrightii,   Sycamore,  


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