Courtney Robbins hitched a ride with Coyote Grace earlier this year, and has been leading a nomadic lifestyle for much of the past few months, criss-crossing the U.S. performing shows together. She’s back in town for a week or two, culminating with a show this Friday (November 2nd) at The Hut with Coyote Grace, Brian Field, and Leila Lopez. For those of you that haven’t heard Brian Field yet, this Boston transplant is a clever wordsmith. Occasionally cynical, often funny, and always entertaining. Don’t hold his BoSox fandom against him.
If you missed it on Monday, you can now download the Brian Field, Courtney Robbins, and Coyote Grace Studio 2A Performance and Interview.
(right-click on the link to save it to your computer)
Engineer: Duncan Hudson
Producer: Don Jennings
Photo Credit: Lisa Healey