Welcome to KXCI’s Bonus Tracks DJ Upside Emotions!

Here is a transcript:
Hi, it’s DJ Upside Emotions and you’re tuned in to Bonus Tracks. Have you ever listened to Alone by Petite Biscuit?
Well, that’s one of my favorite songs. So here this is what I’m talking about. Take a listen. So I’m going to be talking about Petite Biscuit and how he started his career of producing music and creating all the songs that I love. I have a bunch of facts to share about him. His birth name is Mehdi Benjelloun. He was born on the 10th of November, 1999 in France. His occupation is DJing and producing songs that I love. The genre is tropical house. In 2015, he produced his first song, Sunset Lover. On the 15th of April 2018, he performed at Coachella for the first time. He toured all over the world including United States, United Kingdom, Netherlands, Mexico, and Canada. The 24 year old French Moroccan describes his music as a call to traveling the human reflection and natural sensual things. He plays instruments such as piano, cello, bass, and guitar and he prefers the electric house piano instead of anything else.
This was DJ upside emotions signing off.
You’ve been listening to the Future of Radio’s Bonus Tracks from K X C I Tucson.
This episode was made possible thanks to listener support and KXCI’s amazing education team.
Recorded, Edited and Produced by Bridgitte Thum.