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BOD Minutes November 2022


KXCI Board Meeting- November 17, 2022 Minutes

Foundation for Creative Broadcasting dba KXCI Community Radio

 Board of Directors Meeting

November 17, 2022 5:15 pm

Location: UA Campus Health Service-Courtyard Rm #B116


Call to Order & Attendance:

President Yissel Salafsky called the meeting to order at 5:17 p.m.


Board Members in attendance: Rachel Abraham, Jill Bishop, Fernando Gonzalez, Traci Hockett, Volunteer Rep, Margie Puerta Edson, Ellie Patterson, Secretary, Yissel Salafsky, President, Monty Vance

Excused: Paul Chandler, Treasurer


Motion to approve the Minutes of September 29 meeting, 2022 made by Fernando and seconded by Monty. Passed unanimously.

Action item to minutes: to correct spelling of Fernando’s name, correct date on meeting minutes.

*Rachel took the minutes through Governance committee report until Ellie arrived to assume her responsibility.


Committee Reports: 


Yissel reviewed the governance areas and activities which include a plan to reinitiate the committee with BOD members and move away from executive members only. The building of the agenda for the annual retreat on Feb. 19 is currently being done.



Paul sent the Finance report on day of meeting due to lateness in receiving information needed for his report. In his absence Yissel gave the report and said in reviewing financials that everything looked good. Yissel did observe that the last paragraph of the amended Treasurer’s report re: the Reserve fund policy did seem confusing. The report mistakenly stated that 50% of the surplus of income generated shall be transferred from Savings to the Cash Reserve Fund. The wording should be 50% of net income, not income. With numbers reported, Yissel thought Paul was looking at gross income. Monty suggested that the wording of the policy be changed and he offered to help with that.  It was decided to make the motion now to reflect the change needed.  Monty made a motion to replace the word income with net income in the Reserve policy addressing a cash surplus. Jill seconded and motion was approved unanimously.


Philanthropy Task Force:

Task force met on 11/15. There is continued work on the development plan with Elva and Amanda to make sure the numbers, initiatives, activities and goals all fit comfortably into the overall plan. Cultural philanthropy was discussed as part of the plan and board and staff input will be requested.

The gift acceptance policy was discussed and the task force is working on key things in the policy such as the addition of cryptocurrency. There was discussion on a stock morality clause to accept only funds that are ESG friendly.  Naming opportunities were discussed. The gift acceptance policy will be presented to the board for discussion in the future and ultimately for approval.

Jill emphasized how the task force is focused on the legacy-planned giving area.

There was talk of providing a tool kit for the board for fundraising support. The task force will meet 02/14/23.


Executive Director Report:

Elva began her report by acknowledging the accomplishments of the staff and the board members and expressed her pride in the work that was done this past year. She gave a detailed report in the areas covering Financial Management, Fund Development, Programming, Community and Operations. Elva noted that the audit will now be done in December rather than in January or February.


Old Business

Yissel reminded the board that there will be an additional board meeting in the summer season with the date of July 20. Yissel also reminded the board of the Retreat scheduled 2/18/23 with the strategic planning workshop presented by Jennifer Tersigni of Raise the Bar Consulting. A location for the retreat is being discussed at this time.


Action Items

Elva reported on the update of the Employee Manual to include three changes with one change being a policy change re: healthcare coverage. The other two changes are when paid sick time and vacation begin. Fernando made a motion to accept the changes and Monty seconded the motion. Motion unanimously approved.

The board meeting location was discussed now that we’re meeting in person and the importance of a central location was stressed.


Discussion Items

President Yissel welcomed the new members to the board and Elva also warmly welcomed them.  Everyone congratulated Elva on her first year as our Executive Director and that it was a very successful year.

Traci reported that the Tucson City Council has declared Juneteenth a holiday.


The meeting was adjourned at 6:29 pm.


Respectfully submitted,

Ellie Patterson, Secretary

KXCI Board of Directors

January 15, 2023





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