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‹ Thesis Thursday

 Yadi Wang

October 1, 2019
Thesis Thursday
Thesis Thursday
 Yadi Wang
 Yadi Wang
PhD Candidate, Graduate Teaching Assistant, Environmental Science
PhD Research Project: Landscape Evolution Observatory (LEO), Biosphere 2
Instructor, UA Sky School
From being a marketing manager to become a chemical engineer, I always felt I didn’t truly understand or mastered the fundamental knowledge in basic sciences. It was my curiosity that led me decide to pursue a PhD degree. In the past four years, I have come to realize that no knowledge can explain everything. In fact, all displaces are interconnected. I was fortunate enough to collaborate with some of the best researchers in their fields. Because of it, I not only learned materials in my field – the soil science, but also connected knowledge to other fields, such as hydrology, microbiology and plant ecology. With these tools under my belt, I would like to combine them with my engineering skills and marketing strategies to explore agricultural development with renewable technologies in the


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