Speedway and Swan Poem Playlist for Episode 6, August 9, 2015, with guest co-host Tyler Meier
University of Arizona Poetry Center director Tyler Meier joins host Brian Blanchfield for an hour of poetry on the radio that, among other things, posits what might constitute a monsoon poetics (buildup, wait, release if it so pleases); listens in on elegies by and for writers and artists we miss; and samples the early work of Bernadette Mayer now collected in a new edition from Station Hill Press. Also featured are James Tate, Prageeta Sharma, Cecily Parks, Jena Osman, Dean Young, Carl Phillips, GC Waldrep, George Oppen, and WB Yeats. Special voca archival performance by Anne Carson from 2001.
Balanced and buoyed with music by Joe Bataan, 16 Horsepower, The Three Degrees, José Gonzales, Betty Harris, and more.
William Butler Yeats | “Sailing to Byzantium,” The Tower, 1928.
George Oppen | “Longitude, Latitude,” Selected Poems. New Directions, 2002.
Jena Osman | “Hale v. Henkel,” Corporate Relations. Burning Deck, 2014.
Cecily Parks | “Self-Portrait as Rain Gauge,” Field Folly Snow. Virginia Quarterly Review Press, 2008.
Carl Phillips | “After the Thunder, Before the Rain.” Double Shadow, Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2012.
GC Waldrep| “Transubstantiation Rag.” Disclamor, BOA Editions, 2007.
Bernadette Mayer | “Misnamed My Study,”. Eating the Colors of a Lineup of Words: The Collected Early Books of Bernadette Mayer. Barrytown/Station Hill Press, 2015.
Anne Carson | “Short Talk on Homo Sapiens,” and “Short Talk on Housing.” voca archive selection: Reading, The University of Arizona Poetry Center, Tucson, February, 2001.
Prageeta Sharma | “Exhaustion from Those Forms Within,” Undergloom. Fence Books, 2013.
James Tate | “The Lost Pilot,” The Lost Pilot, Harper Collins, 1967.
Dean Young | “How I Get My Ideas,” 31 Poems, 1988-2008. Forklift, Ink., 2009.
Speedway and Swan Poem Playlist for Episode 5, July 26, 2015, with guest co-host Ian Ellasante
“Our joint decisions make the possible whole.”
Poet, social worker, and community leader Ian Ellasante joins host Brian Blanchfield to present an hour of poetry contemplating resilience and community after violence, corruption and loss. A special focus on writers who do double duty as both poets and political figures or incisive cultural critics. Selections include poems by Lucille Clifton, Gloria Anzaldúa, Sherwin Bitsui, Natalie Diaz, and Audre Lorde and brand new work by Nathaniel Mackey, Joshua Clover, and Alissa Quart, among others. Lynn Emanuel in a voca archival recording from her reading at the Poetry Center in 1993.
With music by Les Sins, The Tough Alliance, Brett Dennen, Trentemoller, Richard Thompson, Al Green, and more.
Lucille Clifton | “Grief,” Blessing the Boats: New and Selected Poems. BOA Editions, 2000.
Nathaniel Mackey | “Stick City Bhajan,” Blue Fasa. New Directions, 2015.
Sherwin Bitsui | “River,” Shapeshift. University of Arizona Press, 2003.
Gloria Anzaldúa | “To Live in the Borderlands Means You,” Borderlands/La Frontera. Aunt Lute Books, 1987.
Alissa Quart | “Lowrider,” Monetized. Miami University Press, 2015.
Joshua Clover | “Apology,” Red Epic. Commune Editions, 2015.
Natalie Diaz | “Cloud Watching,” When My Brother Was an Aztec. Copper Canyon Press, 2012.
Lynn Emanuel | “Stone Soup,” voca archive selection: Reading, The University of Arizona Poetry Center, Tucson, February 6, 1993.
Audre Lorde | “Walking Our Boundaries,” Black Unicorn. Norton, 1978.
Speedway and Swan Poem Playlist for Episode 4, July 5, 2015, with guest co-host Molly McKasson
Packing poetry in ziplocks. Memorize and seal.
Actor and former Tucson City Council Member Molly McKasson joins host Brian Blanchfield for an episode that gathers around questions of God, godlessness, touch-wood devotionals, and practices of prayer. Selections from Marianne Moore, Theodore Roethke, Antonio Machado, Claudia Emerson, Tim Dlugos, Spencer Reece, others.
With music by Karen Dalton, Shirley Caesar (covering Dylan), Patty Griffin (covering Springsteen), Geoffrey Gurrumul Yunupingo, and more.
Antonio Machado | “Last Night As I Was Sleeping,” (tr. Robert Bly) Times Alone: Selected Poems of Antonio Machado. Wesleyan University Press, 1983.
Claudia Emerson | “Common House Sparrows at JFK’s International Terminal,” The Opposite House. Louisiana State University Press, 2015.
Tim Dlugos | “Friends Service,” A Fast Life: The Collected Poems of Tim Dlugos. Nightboat Books, 2011.
Theodore Roethke | “Meditations of an Old Woman,” Collected Poems. Doubleday, 1961.
Marianne Moore | “What Are Years,” What Are Years. Macmillan, 1941.
Spencer Reece | “Hymn,” The Road to Emmaus. Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2014.
Mary Oliver | “The Swan,” Winter Hours. Houghton-Mifflin, 1999.