Librarians Tenecia Phillips and Dana Moore are founding members of the Pima County Public Library’s Kindred Team which has launched One Book, One Community. The first of its kind in Pima County, the program features African-American science-fiction author Octavia Butler’s award-winning Parable of the Sower, which marked its 25th anniversary this year. The public is invited to check out the book at their local library and take part in the conversation.
The library will host in-person community conversations and events throughout February and March. A schedule can be found here. One Book, One Community participants can use #kindredoboc to share their thoughts and connect with other readers via social media.
Parable of the Sower tells the story of Lauren, a young black woman who has to discover more about the world and herself when she finds herself pulled from her family and the only home she’s ever known due to dire and deadly circumstances. She ventures onto the road to find safety and finds a new family and a new creed along the way.
Pima County Public Library’s Kindred Team supports and celebrates the black community. Kindred was established in 2017 as a group of like-minded staff members looking to meet a need in the community, both internally and externally. Check out their book lists, reviews, and blog posts, and upcoming community events.
Tenecia Philips, who chairs the Library’s Kindred Team, says, “Parable of the Sower is the perfect book. It’s timely and thought-provoking. Octavia Butler contributed so much to literature and science fiction. We’re excited to have conversations not only about the book but also about this esteemed author of color. It’s pretty amazing – it feels like we have a part in the legacy she left behind.”
The One Book, One Community program was made possible by the Arizona State Library, a division of the Secretary of State, with federal funds from the Institute of Museum and Library Services.
Recorded and produced by Amanda Shauger for 30 Minutes.